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What's New - September 2005

More Bilateral Trade Agreements On The Way (USDA Radio; 09/29/05 - real, mp3)

Johanns Hopes U.S. And Brazil Can Work Out Cotton Step Two Program (USDA Radio; 09/27/05 - real, mp3, wave)

Everyone Needs To Be At Trade Talk Table (USDA Radio; 09/27/05 - real, mp3, wave)

USDA Announces Extension of Fiscal Year 2005 Raw Sugar Tariff-Rate Quota Entry Period
The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced it will consider written requests for extensions of the time period for raw cane sugar shipments to enter the United States, against the U.S. fiscal year 2005 import tariff-rate quota (TRQ), in response to market disruptions caused by Hurricane Katrina.  (09/26/05)
Weeks Away From Next WTO Ministerial Meeting (USDA Radio; 09/21/05 - real, mp3, wave)
Agricultural Exchange Rate Data (Economic Research Service, 09/21/05)
USDA Takes Action To Ease Grain Transportation
Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns said USDA is taking additional steps to further reduce stress on the grain transportation system caused by Hurricane Katrina.  (09/20/05)
USDA Helping Ease Grain Transport (USDA Radio; 09/21/05 - real, mp3, wave)
Joint Statement By Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns and U.S. Trade Representative Rob Portman Regarding Canada’s Decision to Proceed with Investigation of Imports of U.S. Corn  (09/16/05)

U.S. Challenges Other Countries On Trade (USDA Radio; 09/15/05 - real, mp3, wave)

Ag Trade Surplus Increases In July (USDA Radio; 09/15/05 - real, mp3, wave)

United States - European Community Reach Agreement on Wine Trade (09/15/05)
The agreement provides for acceptance of existing wine-making practices and addresses a number of labeling issues, helping to create marketing certainty for U.S. and EU wine exporters.
-- USTR Fact Sheet (.pdf)
World Wheat Production Shifts Among Countries (USDA Radio; 09/14/05 - real, mp3, wave)
In Speech at the United Nations, the President Challenged the International Community To Help Developing Nations Through Free Trade (09/14/05)
"The international community must work together in the Doha negotiations to eliminate agricultural subsidies that distort trade and stunt development, and to eliminate tariffs and other barriers to open markets for farmers around the world."
-- Full Text of the Speech
-- White House Fact Sheet
-- USTR Fact Sheet (.pdf)
Foreign Agricultural Trade of the United States - Monthly Summary (09/13/05)
U.S. and Saudi Arabia Conclude Bilateral WTO Accession Agreement
The United States and Saudi Arabia have concluded bilateral negotiations on issues related to Saudi Arabia's World Trade Organization (WTO) accession.  The bilateral agreement provides new market access opportunities for U.S. providers of agriculture, goods and services and sets the stage for Saudi Arabia to complete accession negotiations with WTO Members.  To complete its accession bid, work will resume in Geneva to complete required multilateral negotiations. (09/09/05)
USDA Modifies Sugar Program To Address Market Disruption Caused By Hurricane Katrina
The U.S. Department of Agriculture today announced further changes in the sugar program in an attempt to increase readily available supplies in response to market disruptions caused by Hurricane Katrina.  (09/09/05)

Mississippi River Export Grain Industry Recovering From Hurricane Katrina
Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns today reported that government and industry are working together to quickly restore normal export grain movement along the lower Mississippi River for the upcoming peak shipping season. Despite substantial damage to waterways and grain handling facilities, assessments are near completion, cleanup is underway, ships again are moving and a majority of elevators in the region are resuming operations at reduced levels of activity.  (09/07/05)
Mississippi River Traffic Resumes  (USDA Radio; 09/07/05 - real, mp3, wave)

Shippers Consider Alternative Export Points  (USDA Radio; 09/02/05 - real, mp3, wave)

United States Succeeds in Removing Japan’s Barriers to U.S. Apples
United States Trade Representative Rob Portman and Secretary of Agriculture Mike Johanns announced today that the United States has succeeded in having Japan finally remove its unjustified restrictions on the import of U.S. apples. Japan’s actions resulted from a dispute won by the United States in the World Trade Organization. The United States and Japan jointly informed the WTO today that Japan’s steps end this decades-long dispute. (08/31/05)

Featured Reports
09/29  Russia and Ukraine: Winter Grain Establishment Hampered by Dryness
Uganda: Low Water Levels Observed on Lake Victoria
Argentina: 2005/06 Wheat Area Decreased 
Europe: Wheat, Corn and Sunflower Projections
09/16  U.S. Fruit and Vegetable Availability and Handling Charts
09/14  Malaysia: Near Normal Rainfall Supports Palm Oil Output
09/13  Cotton: U.S. Exports Shift to East and West Coasts
09/13  Growth in Industrial Uses of Palm Oil Exceeds Food Uses
09/13  Rice: Shake-up in Medium Grain Market Share
Brazil: 2005/06 Soybean Area Projected to Decline
09/09  U.S. Coffee Stocks by Port As of July 31 (In Million Bags)
09/01  Kenya and Tanzania 2005 Crop Tour Summary
09/01  Kenya: Corn Production Greater than Last Year
09/01  Tanzania:  Record Corn Area Increases Production
08/31  Quarterly International Trade Report (ITR) for Course Grains
08/30  World Asparagus Situation & Outlook

World Production, Market and Trade Reports
U.S. Planting Seed Trade
09/16  Dairy Monthly Imports
World Markets and Trade
09/13  Grain: World Markets and Trade
World Markets and Trade
09/12  Early release -- Cotton Data PDF - Excel - Excel CO2631000
World Agricultural Production PDF Data
09/09  Tropical Products:
World Markets and Trade

: World Markets and Trade
U.S. Planting Seed Trade

World Market and Trade Reports
2005 Release Dates

 Export Regulations
 In Detail

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