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Morning Report for May 12, 1999

                       Headquarters Daily Report

                         MAY 12, 1999

                    REPORT             NEGATIVE            NO INPUT
                    ATTACHED           INPUT RECEIVED      RECEIVED

HEADQUARTERS                           X                   
REGION I                               X                   
REGION II                              X                   
REGION III          X                                      
REGION IV                              X                   

Licensee/Facility:                     Notification:

                                       MR Number: 3-99-0042
Samuels Recycling                      Date: 05/10/99
Green Bay,Wisconsin                    Telephone                          

Subject: Two five foot long static eliminator bars found at scrap yard.  


At 3:00 p.m., on May 10, 1999, the State of Wisconsin, Bureau of Health  
notified NRC Region III that two general licensed static eliminator bars 
containing approximately 225 mCi of Am-241 each had been found in scrap  
being processed at Samuels Recycling in Green Bay, Wisconsin. The State  
of Wisconsin has isolated and tagged the bars which had a contact        
radiation reading of 10 mR/hr.                                           
The static eliminator bars bore an identification plate which indicated  
they were manufactured by Nucleus Stat for Herbert Product Sales in 10/81
and contained 225.5 mCi each of Am- 241. The model number of the bars is 
AA 2003 with serial number SA-2239 on one of the devices.                
The origin of the material was Hargrove Paper Products, a company which  
underwent bankruptcy.                                                    

Regional Action:

Since Hargrove Paper Products has undergone bankruptcy, Region III has   
referred the matter to the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA V).

Contact:  G. Parker                  (630)829-9869
          K. Null                    (630)829-9854