You are here: Home News Room News Releases 2006 News Releases GOVERNOR LINGLE RELEASES $250,000 FOR NUTRITION TRAINING CENTER AT HANA HEALTH ON MAUI


For Immediate Release: July 24, 2006

HONOLULU – Governor Linda Lingle has released $250,000 for the construction of the new Nutrition Training Center (NTC) at Hana Health, formerly known as Hana Community Health Center, on Maui.  The new 5,000-square-foot facility will include a commercial kitchen, dining room, demonstration classroom, and bathrooms.

The NTC will have a dual purpose.  It will support Hana Health’s nutrition programs, including the Kupuna Meal program, a fitness program, the A+ After School program, and a diabetes management program. It will also serve as a business incubator for food-related enterprises.  At completion, Hana Health is expected to be self-supporting, and be able to support several new businesses in the Hana community.

“We appreciate Governor Lingle’s willingness to support those who are in need due to financial, cultural, and geographic barriers,” said Cheryl Vasconcellos, executive director of Hana Health. “Hana Health thanks the Governor for helping to assure that the people of Hana are cared for and are able to develop the capacity to become active participants in their own well-being.”

In addition to the state funds, Hana Health has secured $1.1 million in federal and county funding. Because of rising construction costs, an additional $500,000 is needed to complete the project; Hana Health is exploring other potential funding sources.  Once the additional funding is secured, the state funds will be expended.

This project is expected to be completed in March of next year.


For more information, contact:
Russell Pang
Chief of Media Relations
Phone: 586-0043

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