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What's New - February 2006

U.S. and India Issue Joint Statement on Trade
During President Bush's visit, India and the United States agree that trade is essential to promoting global economic growth, development, freedom and prosperity. (03/02/06)
Related items:
Fact Sheet: U.S.–India Knowledge Initiative on Agricultural Education, Teaching, Research, Service, and Commercial Linkages (03/02/06)
U.S.India Joint Statement (03/02/06)
United States Agrees To Import Mangoes From India (03/02/06)
— U.S. and India Reach Agreement on Mango Trade
(USDA Radio; 03/02/06 - real, mp3, wave)

United States and Colombia Conclude Free Trade Agreement
U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Johanns noted, "Colombia is our second largest agricultural market in Latin America, currently accounting for $677 million in sales of wheat, coarse grains, cotton and soybeans, among many others." (02/27/06)
USTR Press Release (02/27/06)
U.S., Colombia Complete Free Trade Agreement (USDA Radio; 02/27/06 - real, mp3, wave)
U.S. Announces Completion of Free-Trade Agreement with Colombia (U.S. Department of State; 02/27/06) 

Statement of USTR Rob Portman Regarding Entry Into Force of the U.S. - Central America - Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR) for El Salvador (02/24/06)

Agricultural Trade Multipliers (Economic Research Service; 02/24/06)

U.S. Gives $100,000 Aid On Food, Animal and Plant Health Standards
"This contribution builds on the U.S. commitment to help developing nations adopt science-based animal and plant health and food safety standards that are so critical to trade," said U.S. Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns.  (02/22/06)

Transcript of Joint Media Availability by USTR Portman and EU Commissioner Mandelson (.pdf)
Discuss WTO negotiations (02/22/06)

USTR Announces Revised FY 2006 Tariff-Rate Quota Allocations for Raw Cane Sugar and Refined Sugar (02/21/06)

Johanns Announces Japan Opens Market To Fresh U.S. Potatoes
Japan will end its decades-old ban on the import of U.S. fresh potatoes. (02/21/06)

Johanns Announces Results Of Investigation Into Ineligible Veal Shipment To Japan (02/17/06)
Transcript of Johanns Tele-News Conference
REPORT: Japan Export Investigation (PDF 2.4MB)
USDA Sends Report To Japan On Ineligible Veal Shipment (USDA Radio; 02/17/06 - real, mp3, wave)  
Progress Reported In Opening Beef Markets (USDA Radio; 02/23/06 - real, mp3, wave)  

Outlook for U.S. Agricultural Trade (.pdf)
U.S. 2006 agricultural exports forecast at a record $64.5 billion (02/16/06)
FAS Analysis

Transcript of Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns remarks to the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and Roll Call Policy Forum (02/14/06)
Johanns Still Optimistic On WTO Agreement (USDA Radio; 02/14/06 - real, mp3, wave) 
Timing Of WTO And A New Farm Bill (USDA Radio; 02/15/06 - real, mp3, wave)  

USTR to Strengthen Enforcement in Readjustment of U.S.-China Trade Policy
USTR unveils the results of a top-to-bottom review of U.S.-China Trade Policy (02/14/06)
2006 Top-to-Bottom Review of U.S.-China Trade Relations (.pdf)
China's Rising Fruit and Vegetable Exports Challenge U.S. Industries (Economic Research Service; 02/14/06)

U.S. Agricultural Trade Update (Economic Research Service; 02/13/06; .pdf)
— Final Agricultural Trade Numbers For 2005
(USDA Radio; 02/13/06 - real, mp3, wave)
Latest U.S. Agricultural Trade Data (Economic Research Service; 02/10/06)

World Trade Organization Finds European Union's Moratorium on Agricultural Biotechnology Products Inconsistent With WTO Rules
In a joint statement,
U.S. Trade Representative Rob Portman and U.S. Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns request "timely, transparent and scientific review by the European Union," noting that "continuing adoption of agricultural biotechnology worldwide is evidence it provides tremendous benefits to farmers and rural communities." (02/07/06)
USTR's Chief Agricultural Negotiator Crowder Addresses Agricultural Reporters About WTO Biotech Decision, Other International Trade Issues (Transcript; 02/08/06)
WTO Rules Against EU On Biotech Products (USDA Radio; 02/08/06 - real, mp3, wave)
WTO Upholds U.S. Challenge to European Ban on Biotech Food (U.S. Department of State; 02/08/06)  
More information on the WTO case on the European Union Moratorium on Biotech Foods

United States Initiates Free Trade Agreement Talks With South Korea
In a statement released following the announcement, Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns noted that Korea is the world's 10th largest economy and already our sixth largest market for agricultural exports. Johanns also noted Korea's "very real potential for greatly expanded sales of U.S. farm and food products." (02/02/06)
Broad Business Support for Launch of Free Trade Negotiations Between the United States and the Republic of Korea (USTR Fact Sheet, 02/07/06)
Statement by Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns Regarding the Initiation of Free Trade Agreement Talks With South Korea (02/02/06)
Fact Sheet: Opportunities for Agriculture (02/02/06)
United States, South Korea Announce Intention to Negotiate Free Trade Agreement (USTR Press Release; 02/02/06)
-- U.S. And South Korea To Work On Free Trade Agreement (USDA Radio; 02/03/06 - real, mp3, wave) 
Free Trade Agreement With Korea Would Be A Big Deal (USDA Radio; 02/09/06 - real, mp3, wave) 
— Work Begins on Korea Free Trade Agreement (USDA Radio; 02/14/06 - real, mp3, wave) 
More . . .

USDA Announces Further Increases In Sugar Supplies (02/02/06)
U.S. To Import More Sugar (USDA Radio; 02/03/06 - real, mp3, wave) 

Congress Approves Legislation Repealing Cotton Subsidy Program
Step 2 Repeal Addresses Important Trade Priorities

Mexico Opens Market To U.S. Bone-In Beef (02/01/06)

Gaining Market Access Through MAP (USDA Radio; 02/01/06 -real, mp3, wave)   

U.S. Poultry Export Forecast Drops (USDA Radio; 01/31/06 - real, mp3, wave)   

Featured Reports
02/27  Situation and Outlook for Citrus
02/27  Situation and Outlook for Orange Juice
India: Excessive Heat Stresses India's Wheat Crop
22  Argentina Corn Update: Heat and Dryness Reduce Estimated Yield
02/22  Northwest Africa: 2006/07 Winter Grains Well Established
Wheat: World Situation and Outlook
02/10  Brazil Replaces the U.S. as the Top Soybean Exporter in 2005/06
02/10  U.S. Export Commitments for 2005/06 on Track with Record Export Forecast
  Short Crops Reduce Argentine Grain Exports
  Foreign Cotton Area and Production for 2006/07 Expected To Increase Following
            Higher World Cotton Prices 2005/06

  Ukraine: Frost Damage to Winter Wheat in Eastern Region
01/30  China: 2006/07 Winter Wheat Situation

World Production, Market and Trade Reports
U.S. Planting Seed Trade
02/15  Forest Products: U.S. Exports Trade Data
02/15  Fishery Products: U.S. Exports Trade Data
02/14  Dairy Monthly Imports
Oilseeds: World Markets and Trade
02/10  Cotton: World Markets and Trade
02/10  Grain: World Markets and Trade
  Early release -- Cotton Data PDF - Excel - Excel CO2631000
  World Agricultural Production PDF Data
U.S. Planting Seed Trade

World Market and Trade Reports
2006 Release Dates

 Export Regulations
 In Detail

Federal Register Notices

FAS accepted a petition filed by the National Grape Cooperative Association representing Washington Concord juice grape producers for trade adjustment assistance
FAS accepted a petition filed by the National Grape Cooperative Association representing Michigan Concord juice grape producers for trade adjustment assistance
FAS approved a petition for trade adjustment assistance  that was filed by a group of snapdragon producers in Indiana
Notice of Request for Extension of a Currently Approved Information Collection in support of the McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program
Notice of Request for Extension and Revision of Currently Approved Information Collections In Support of MAP and FMD
Affirmation of the Total Amount of the Fiscal Year 2006 Tariff-Rate Quota for Sugar and Certain Imported Sugars, Syrups, and Molasses (Refined Sugar) Imported From Mexico
Affirmation of Total Amounts of the Fiscal Year 2006 Tariff-Rate Quotas for Raw Cane Sugar and Certain Imported Sugars, Syrups, and Molasses (Refined Sugar)
Notice of Change to Address for Hand Delivery of 2006 Applications to the Market Development Programs
USDA Invites Comments on Options to Reform the Supplier Credit Guarantee Program

USDA Calendar of Publications

Previous Month Logs

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