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Morning Report for September 9, 1999

                       Headquarters Daily Report

                         SEPTEMBER 09, 1999

                    REPORT             NEGATIVE            NO INPUT
                    ATTACHED           INPUT RECEIVED      RECEIVED

HEADQUARTERS        X                                      
REGION I                               X                   
REGION II                              X                   
REGION III                             X                   
REGION IV                              X                   

Licensee/Facility:                     Notification:

Part 21 Database                       MR Number: H-99-0082
C&D Technologies                       Date: 09/09/99

Subject: Part 21 - Safety Related Battery Cell Degradation at Cooper     


VENDOR: C&D Technologies                PT21 FILE NO: 99-37-0            
DATE OF DOCUMENT: 08/25/99              ACCESSION NUMBER:                
SOURCE DOCUMENT: EN 36073               REVIEWER: REXB, C. Petrone       
Preliminary information on the cell degradation was provided in morning  
report H-99-0071 dated August 12, 1999. This morning report is being     
revised based on information provided in a Part 21 report from C&D       
Technologies dated August 25, 1999, and through discussions with vendor  
The licensee for the Cooper Nuclear Station has found degradation in     
several cells in their safety related batteries. The cells were          
manufactured as commercial grade and subsequently dedicated as safety    
related components by C&D Power Systems. The initial indication of a     
problem was a lower than expected voltage on several cells during        
surveillance testing. An inspection of these cells revealed excessive    
growth of the positive plates. The growth was such that the positive     
plates appeared to have made contact with the negative plate support     
structure at the top of the cells. Abnormal growth was subsequently found
in the positive plates of other battery cells.                           
Analysis of the cells by C&D indicated that the positive grid material   
contained excessive levels of calcium. C&D stated that the high calcium  
content in the alloy would cause higher than expected growth within the  
positive grids which, over time, would lead to loss of contact between   
grid and the positive active material of the plate and lead to reduced   
capacity, reduced voltage and shedding of material. The first sign of the
defect is visible growth within the positive plate. C&D believes that    
these nonconforming levels were caused by inadequate process controls    
which were corrected by new quality standards which were implemented in  
January 1997. The cells are now manufactured as safety grade under 10 CFR
50, Appendix B, rather than being manufactured as commercial grade and   
later being dedicated for safety applications.                           
The defective cells were all type LCR-25 manufactured from 1995 to 1997  
under five specific work order numbers, all of which were installed at   
Cooper. C&D believes that no other utility had received nonconforming    
cells. However, they are continuing their review and plan to submit a    
final evaluation to the NRC and any affected utilities within 30 days.   