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OTIA III State Bridge Delivery Program
Bridge Delivery Partners
Oregon Bridge Delivery Partners
Contracting process
On Feb. 23, 2004, ODOT issued an "Intent to Award" letter to Oregon Bridge Delivery Partners Joint Venture (OBDP) to provide program management services to ODOT for delivery of the $1.3 billion Oregon Transportation Investment Act III State Bridge Delivery Program. The program will repair or replace about 365 bridges throughout Oregon while providing jobs and economic stimulus for the state. ODOT began negotiations with OBDP immediately.
Intent to award letter

Corporation background
Oregon Bridge Delivery Partners is a joint venture company formed specifically to execute the OTIA III State Bridge Delivery Program. It is 50 percent owned by Fluor Enterprises Inc. and 50 percent by HDR Engineering Inc. Both companies are well established. Fluor is a Fortune 500 company that has been in business since 1912 and HDR was established in 1917. Fluor has more than 20,000 employees, and HDR more than 3,000. OBDP is headquartered in Salem.
Website: www.obdp.org .

Involving state agency programs
ODOT will maximize the involvement of Oregon state agency programs in support of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, Minority Businesses, Emerging Small Businesses, job training and apprenticeships in the delivery of OTIA III. 
State Agency Programs

Program management firm responsibilities
The selected program management firm, Oregon Bridge Delivery Partners, is required to provide services that meet the goals and objectives of the OTIA program as set by the Governor, the Legislature and the Department of Transportation. These services include:
Program Management
Program management includes several activities that provide day-to-day direction to the program, ensure quality projects at least cost, manage services and supplies, and provide auditable cost accounting for the program. Examples of program management-related tasks include the following:
  • Delivery Methods – Develop a strategy that provides a range of contract sizes and uses contracting techniques that ensure expedient delivery and enhance the engineering and construction industry´s ability to grow in support of program delivery requirements.
  • Economic Stimulus - Measure the economic stimulus effect and create a reporting structure to document how the program is maximizing job creation and enhancing trade sector industries.
  • Environmental Justice - Develop and implement strategies to involve low-income and minority communities in the transportation decision-making process and identify opportunities created by transportation projects.
  • Environmental Management System – Implement an EMS for bridge design and replacement consistent with the Governor´s Executive Order on Sustainability and to realize ODOT’s commitment to environmental stewardship. Such systems provide a process for managing the environmental footprint of an organization. The EMS will be used to manage program environmental activities, reduce environmental impacts, increase operating efficiency and promote sustainable transportation solutions.
  • Environmental Program Management - Integrate programmatic environmental permitting/mitigation approaches and provide environmental compliance inspection services.
  • Financial Management - Provide and integrate tracking tools for managing budgets, assist in programming the timely delivery of cash and bond funding at favorable market conditions compatible with the program encumbrance and cash flow requirements, and project future needs based upon the actual and projected revenue collections from OTIA III. Also provide options for leveraging OTIA III funds.
  • Information and Monitoring Systems - Provide systems to effectively manage program data and files, and track information requests, assignments and resolutions. The system must track all project preconstruction and construction activities and projections of the outcome. The system will be easily understood and accessible by ODOT and contractors. Any system used by the program manager/team will be able to interface with existing ODOT systems and legislatively mandated reporting formats. Project status reports will be provided on a monthly basis to ODOT and contractors.
  • Knowledge Transfer – Provide training and development opportunities to selected agency staff in all aspects of program management (information systems, reporting and scheduling programs, cost containment and reduction techniques, CS3, financial management, design, construction management, safety, etc.). Partner with ODOT to build critical skill sets.
  • Occupational Safety and Health - Assure that the project general contractor and subcontractors develop and implement a functional occupational safety and health management program. Such a program should have sufficient responsible management capacity and commensurate authority to have a functional oversight program, and resources sufficient to ensure program effectiveness.
  • Performance Measures - Establish and monitor performance measures. Examples of performance measures include maintaining freight mobility and traffic management, expedient and cost-efficient delivery, economic stimulation, context sensitive and sustainable solutions, workplace safety, workforce diversity and customer satisfaction. Use performance measures to develop program-level incentive and disincentive clauses for construction contracts.
  • Program Administration – Conduct all related administrative functions necessary to manage program files, data, budget and schedules. Submit all required data and information to facilitate the agency´s Compliance Auditing System.
  • Program Cost Containment and Reduction – Use cost containment and reduction methods and tools to ensure program delivery. Prepare an estimate of the remaining cost for the program. This figure will be used to determine the feasibility of the bond implementation program.
  • Procurement Support and Proposal Development – Provide management services in support of the contracting and purchasing process. Develop Requests for Qualifications and Requests for Proposals, as well as provide all other procurement activities as needed to meet the program approach and delivery strategy.
  • Public Involvement / Outreach - Develop a public involvement/information program to ensure participation from internal and external stakeholders, businesses, agencies, communities, tribes, etc. In partnership with agency staff, develop and implement a strategic integrated communication plan.
  • Quality Assurance and Quality Control - Develop and implement a QA/QC plan for program and project management.
  • Reporting – Provide a system for monitoring, adjusting and reporting on the performance of the program. Track program and project-level delivery, including changes and risks. Provide required data to the agency in suppport of compliance auditing activities.
  • Risk Avoidance – Develop a strategy for identifying and managing project risks related to cost, schedule, design, safety and long-term bridge performance, etc.
  • Cost Loaded Program / Project Schedules – Provide a program cost loaded schedule that establishes milestone dates for all events necessary to deliver each bridge project through construction. Establish a procedure to identify activities that fall behind schedule, and establish a recovery plan for maintaining the schedule and budget.
  • Supply Chain Management – Develop a strategy to effectively manage critical supplier products, services and relationships.
  • Traffic Management / Construction Strategy – Develop a statewide corridor and project-level traffic management strategy. The program´s traffic management strategy needs to integrate other city, county and ODOT work and provide real-time traffic operation monitoring of all active detour routes. This management strategy must be integrated with the public outreach/information effort, as well as the established ODOT Traffic Management Operations Centers and the agency´s ITS program.
  • Women and Minority / DBE / ESB Involvement – Maximize the use of women and minority workers, small businesses, DBEs and ESBs to deliver projects.

Preliminary Engineering and Construction Engineering and Management
The program manager/team will be required to manage program preliminary engineering and construction engineering activities. The agency will be responsible for approving any firms that will be responsible for providing PE/CE services.

Legislative direction
In entering into negotiations with OBPD, ODOT will follow legislative direction to:
  • Hire a private sector firm to deliver the OTIA III State Bridge Delivery Program.
  • Expedite work to stimulate jobs in Oregon.
  • Keep freight moving and reduce impact on motorists.
  • Manage the size of contracts so that as many Oregon firms as possible, including emerging small business and those owned by women and minorities, can compete and grow.
  • Package projects to achieve economy of scale and reduce costs.

Page updated: February 04, 2007

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