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State Buildings to Undergo Energy Efficiency "Retrocommissioning"

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For Immediate Release: January 24, 2008
DBEDT Release News 08-01

Honolulu - As part of the Lingle-Aiona Administration's ongoing commitment to increase Hawai‘i's energy independence, the state is targeting 11 State of Hawai‘i buildings on four islands - including the State Capitol - as priorities for "retrocommissioning."

The State Department of Accounting and General Services (DAGS) and the Energy Efficiency Branch of the Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism (DBEDT) will identify opportunities to save energy and reduce operating costs in state buildings. They will also improve occupant comfort, extend equipment service life and reliability, and reduce the volume of emergency or trouble calls for maintenance staff. Equipment that is not operating properly will be repaired as part of "tune-up" efforts at the buildings. DAGS has engaged consultants to implement the projects.

"This is another important example of our commitment to properly maintain public buildings and facilities as well as ensure greater energy efficiency and independence, as Governor Lingle outlined in her State of the State Address," said DAGS Comptroller Russ Saito. "From an energy efficiency perspective, this project will complement the recent announcement that the state Department of Transportation will be generating its own electricity at state airports and government sites using photovoltaic technology."

"We view this as part of the state's desire to 'lead by example' in the areas of both energy conservation and energy production," said DBEDT Director Theodore E. Liu.

The 11 buildings contain more than 1.4 million square feet of space and consume about 33 million kilowatt hours of electricity annually. This represents between 14.4 and 36.9 kilowatt-hours of electricity per square foot annually, and operating costs ranging from $2.50 to $6.27 per square foot per year.

The affected buildings are:

  • The State Capitol
  • Kalanimoku Building
  • No. 1 Capitol District Building
  • Queen Lili‘uokalani Building
  • Kekuanaoa Building (Territorial Office Building)
  • Ke‘elikolani Building
  • Kakuhihewa Building (Kapolei State Building)
  • Leiopapa A Kamehameha Building (State Office Tower)
  • The State Office Buildings in Hilo, Lihu‘e and Wailuku.

Although three of these buildings (Leopapa A Kamehameha Building, Kakuhihewa Building and Hilo State Office Building) have previously achieved Energy Star® status, "retrocommissioning" will ensure that they maintain high levels of energy efficiency, occupant comfort and equipment performance.

For example, an energy audit of the State Capitol revealed opportunities to reduce electricity consumption by making improvements in lighting, air conditioning and motors.

DAGS is taking the lead on retrocommissioning project, and DBEDT's Energy Efficiency Branch will provide technical assistance on energy efficiency.

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For more information, contact:
Russ K. Saito
Comptroller, DAGS
Phone: (808) 586 0400

Dave Young
Phone: (808) 587-1212

Last modified 01-24-2008 04:09 PM