Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
Relationship between one HIV strain from a double seropositive patient in the Ivory Coast and SIVagm isolates from Africa.
Relationship between opportunistic infections (OI) and malignancy (OM) in HIV patients and CD4 lymphocyte number.
Relationship between P-glycoprotein and HIV-1 Receptors in Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes and Cell Lines.
Relationship between p24 antigenemia, serum levels of anti-p24 antibodies and progression to AIDS.
Relationship between patient age and CD4+ lymphocyte repletion following successful virologic responses to highly active anti-retroviral therapy.
Relationship between patient characteristics and clinical outcomes for acute psychiatric inpatients.
Relationship Between Patient Self-Advocacy and Outcomes of Coverage Appeals in Managed Care: A Case-Control Study.
Relationship between patients satisfaction and quality of care in coronary heart disease.
Relationship between Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty Volume and Associated Immediate Outcome.
Relationship between plasmatic lipids and body fat composition measured by computed tomography in HIV-infected patients.
Relationship between PLWH+ and PNLWH at the workplace.
Relationship between potent anti-retroviral therapy and infectious virus in a cross-sectional study of HIV-infected women.
Relationship between preexisting latent viral reservoirs and the reemergence of plasma viremia after discontinuation of highly active antiretroviral therapy.
Relationship between process of care and severity adjusted mortality in patients with myocardial infarction.
Relationship between proteolytic cleavage of "gag" polyprotein and maturation of HIV.
Relationship between psychological adaptation and social network in HIV+ patients.
Relationship between quality of life and social support in HIV-infected persons in Venezuela.
Relationship between Quinolone Structure and Resistant Mutant Selection in Clostridium perfringens.
Relationship Between Rifampin Resistance and Fitness in Staphylococcus aureus.
Relationship between salivary secretory immunogulobulin A and oral Candida albicans carriage in HIV-infected patients.
Relationship between Seminal and Plasma Viral Loads among Persons with Primary HIV Infection.
Relationship between serum HIV-1 RNA copy number and mortality in HIV-infected children followed in the NICHD IVIG clinical trial.
Relationship Between Sexual Motivations for Alcohol/Drug Use and HIV Sexual Risk Behaviors Among MSM.
Relationship between sexual risk behavior and drug use in high school students 16-19 years old in the north-east of Italy.
Relationship between social support and loneliness and hospital service-seeking in intravenous drug-using males.
Relationship between steady-state plasma concentrations of atovaquone (C55) and the use of various concomitant medications in AIDS patients with Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia.
Relationship between street sex workers' attitudes and condom use by type of partner.
Relationship between survival time and presumptive or definitive diagnoses of AIDS indicator diseases.
Relationship Between the Chronic Care Model and Diabetes Outcomes.
Relationship between the detection of plasma cytomegalovirus (CMV) DNA and CMV retinitis in AIDS patients.