Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
Response to zidovudine (ZDV) treatment in women with AIDS: results from the Canadian Open Trial. The Canadian Zidovudine Collaborative Group.
Response with Twice Daily (BID) Crixivan[TM] plus Norvir[TM] Based Regimen (IDV-RTV) in Patients (pts) Failing Protease Inhibitor (PI) Therapy.
Response-shift in patients with cataract.
Responses of follicular dentritic cells to antiretroviral combination therapy of HIV-1 infection in lymphoid tissues.
Responses of HIV-1 p24 and HIV-1 RNA in tonsils of asymptomatic HIV-1 infected patients under combination antiretroviral therapy.
Responses of HIV-infected adults with CD4 counts less than 400/mm3 to recombinant gp160 vaccine.
Responses of hospitalized women with HIV/AIDS to nurses.
Responses of the carotid-cardiac baroreflex following acute change in hydration state.
Responses to antiretroviral treatment including ritonavir or nelfinavir in children infected with the HIV type 1.
Responses to brain drain of African health professionals to the United States and other developed countries.
Responses to Gender issues in HIV/AIDS prevention programming in Nigeria.
Responses to graded lower body negative pressure (LBNP) after space flight.
Responses to non attendance and dropping out of school of the orphans cared by REVS+.
Responses to Public Health Campaigns by SES.
Responses to salvage combination therapy with Efavirenz in patients with HIV who have failed antiretroviral therapy with a protease inhibitor.
Responsible adolescents in the times of AIDS (RATA): a comprehensive health promotion workshop for youths in Nigeria.
Responsiveness and interpretation of patient reported vision measures in cytomegalovirus retinitis and AIDS.
Responsiveness of a national strategy through public accountability systems.
Responsiveness of a type I collagen CAT transgene in mice subjected to isometric mechanical loading of bone.
Responsiveness of Ethiopian community living in Italy to HIV-AIDS prevention material.
Responsiveness of the EuroQol and MOS-HIV in advanced HIV disease.
Responsiveness of the MQOL-HIV to quality of life changes in a cohort of HIV+ men.
Responsiveness to saquinavir is not affected by baseline HIV protease genotype in protease-inhibitor naive patients.
Ressource mobilization and accessibility E20.
Restaurant Characteristics Associated with Food-Borne Illness.
Restimop (ANRS 078): a prospective multicentre study to evaluate the discontinuation of maintenance therapy for CMV retinitis in HIV-patients receiving HAART.
Resting energy expenditure (REE) in HIV-infected patients.
Resting metabolic rate in HIV+ women.
Restitution of lung function after PCP: an ongoing study.
Restitution of PWA's civil rights: bearing on treatment and quality of life.