Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
Results from the 1997 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health Insurance Survey.
Results from the frog embryology experiment: development of swimming tadpoles occurs at microgravity.
Results from the pilot evaluation of steppimg stones.
Results from Three Physician Consensus Panels Determining Clinically Important Differences in Health-Related Quality of Life Among Chronic Disease Outpatients.
Results from two school-based HIV prevention studies.
Results of a clinical outreach to HIV infected individuals living in SRO hotels.
Results of a clinical trial comparing two doses of 2'3'-dideoxycytidine (ddC) in the treatment of children with symptomatic human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection who were intolerant or had failed zidovudine (ZDV) therapy (ACTG 138). The Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trials Group. American Pediatric Society 104th annual meeting and Society for Pediatric Research 63rd annual meeting; 1994 May 2-5; Seattle.
Results of a consensus panel on process of care for patients with Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP).
Results of a Controlled Clinical Trial on Care Improvement for the Critically Ill.
Results of a double-blind placebo-controlled trial to evaluate intravenous gamma globulin in children with symptomatic HIV infection receiving zidovudine (ACTG 051). The Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trials Group and the NICHD Pediatric HIV Centers.
Results of a laboratory survey of HIV-1 viral RNA testing practices and report content.
Results of a national comparative HIV quality improvement initiative within the veteran's administration healthcare system.
Results of a national HIV-related home and community-based health care program for low income population in the United States: federal grants, state management.
Results of a nationwide HIV/AIDS information user needs assessment.
Results of a nationwide look-back on transfusion-associated HIV-infections in Switzerland.
Results of a patient follow-up survey in an osteoporosis education and training program.
Results of a Phase 2, Open-Label, Safety, and Efficacy Study of Tigecycline to Treat Complicated Skin and Skin Structure Infections in Hospitalized Patients.
Results of a Phase I Trial of Single-Dose PRO 542, a Novel Inhibitor of HIV Entry.
Results of a phase I/II placebo-controlled dose finding pilot study of lentinan in patients with HIV infection.
Results of a phase II double-blinded, multicenter, placebo controlled HIV therapeutic vaccine trial.
Results of a Phase III Randomized, Double-Blind Study of Ertapenem (ETP) vs Piperacillin/Tazobactam (P/T) for Acute Pelvic Infection (Inf) in Women.
Results of a pilot intervention among girl-attendants at road-side restaurants in Hainan Province, China.
Results of a pilot, large simple trial to help determine when patients with asymptomatic HIV disease should begin anti-HIV therapy.
Results Of A Prospective Study To Keep Guidelines Current.
Results of a provincial action plan designed to improve and strengthen our programs for children affected by HIV/AIDS and their families in Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand.
Results of a provincial initiative recommending routine HIV serotesting in pregnancy.
Results of a questionnaire from personnal feeling of HIV + patients from a double blind study.
Results of a randomized community trial of STD control for AIDS prevention in Rakai, Uganda.
Results of a randomized open-label comparison trial of ddI and ddC in HIV infected patients who are intolerant of or have failed ZDV therapy; CPCRA 002. The Terry Beirn Community Programs for Clinical Research on AIDS.
Results of a randomized study of GLQ223 in AIDS and ARC. GLQ 223 Study Group.