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Morning Report for May 4, 2000

                       Headquarters Daily Report

                         MAY 04, 2000

                    REPORT             NEGATIVE            NO INPUT
                    ATTACHED           INPUT RECEIVED      RECEIVED

HEADQUARTERS        X                                      
REGION I                               X                   
REGION II                              X                   
REGION III          X                                      
REGION IV                              X                   

MR Number: H-00-0030

                           NRR DAILY REPORT ITEM
                           GENERIC COMMUNICATIONS

Subject: Part 21 - Broken yoke on 3-inch air-operated
         pressure seal gate valve

VENDOR: Velan                           PT21 FILE NO: mm-12-0            
DATE OF DOCUMENT: 02/04/00              ACCESSION NUMBER: ml003687595    
SOURCE DOCUMENT: LETTER                 REVIEWER: REXB, T. Greene        
The valve vendor Velan reports that the Farley licensee discovered a     
broken bayonet style yoke on a 3-inch air-operated pressure seal gate    
valve. The vendor performed visual inspection and magnetic particle      
testing and found no linear indications in the area of the break or      
elsewhere in the casting. The vendor has not manufactured valves of this 
design since 1974. The vendor's records indicate that affected nuclear   
power plants or utilities include Southern Nuclear Company, Browns Ferry,
Nine Mile Point, Pilgrim, Millstone, Fitzpatrick, Oconee, Turkey Point,  
and Palisades.                                                           
The NRC will post ensuing reports on this subject on its website at                               
HEADQUARTERS      MORNING REPORT     PAGE  2          MAY  4, 2000

MR Number: H-00-0031

                           NRR DAILY REPORT ITEM
                           GENERIC COMMUNICATIONS

Subject: Part 21 - Safety relief valve bonnets produced
         from improperly upgraded castings

VENDOR: Dresser Industries                  PT21 FILE NO: mm-14-0        
DATE OF DOCUMENT: 04/14/00                  ACCESSION NUMBER: ml003704876
SOURCE DOCUMENT: EN 36890                   REVIEWER: REXB, C. Petrone   
The valve vendor, Dresser Equipment Group, Inc., reports delivery of two 
noncompliant safety relief valves to nuclear power plants. The valve     
bonnets were produced from improperly upgraded castings. The affected    
valves are described as follows:                                         
    Safety Relief Valve, SN TL-89763 - 1" 1970-2 (1-1-1-2)-XNC3116 (code 
    stamped as Section VIII, safety related service), delivered to Quad  
    Safety Relief Valve, SN TL-66815 - 1" 1970-2 (3-1-3-2)-XFL9-3090     
    (code stamped as Section III, Class 2), delivered to McGuire         
The NRC will post ensuing reports on this subject on its website at                               
REGION III  MORNING REPORT     PAGE  3          MAY  4, 2000

Licensee/Facility:                     Notification:

Wisconsin Electric Power Co.           MR Number: 3-00-0023
Point Beach 2                          Date: 05/03/00
Two Rivers,Wisconsin                   Email from resident inspectors     
Dockets: 50-301

Subject: Unit 2 Mid-Cycle Maintenance Outage                             


Point Beach Unit 2 will shut down early in the afternoon of May 4, 2000, 
for a planned mid-cycle outage. The purpose of this outage is to repair a
degraded containment fan cooler and to clean the main condenser.         

Contact:  Roger Lanksbury            (630)829-9631