
Records of United States Attorneys

(Record Group 118)

Overview of Records Locations

Table of Contents

  • 118.1 Administrative History
  • 118.2 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Southern Judicial District of Alabama 1824-1921
  • 118.3 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Alaska Judicial District 1913-61
  • 118.4 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Arizona Judicial District 1899-1972
  • 118.5 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Arkansas Judicial Districts 1849-1973
    • 118.5.1 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Western Judicial District of Arkansas
    • 118.5.2 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Eastern Judicial District of Arkansas
  • 118.6 Records of U.S. Attorneys, California Judicial Districts 1865-1977
    • 118.6.1 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Northern Judicial District of California
    • 118.6.2 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Central Judicial District of California
  • 118.7 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Colorado Judicial District 1874-1981
  • 118.8 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Connecticut Judicial District 1947-60
  • 118.9 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Delaware Judicial District 1940-56
  • 118.10 Records of U.S. Attorneys, District of Columbia Judicial District 1863-1946, 1973-77
  • 118.11 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Hawaii Judicial District 1920, 1932-70
  • 118.12 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Idaho Judicial District 1932-72
  • 118.13 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Illinois Judicial Districts 1936-71
    • 118.13.1 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Northern Judicial District of Illinois
    • 118.13.2 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Southern Judicial District of Illinois
  • 118.14 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Iowa Judicial Districts 1942-68
    • 118.14.1 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Northern Judicial District of Iowa
    • 118.14.2 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Southern Judicial District of Iowa
  • 118.15 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Kansas Judicial District 1871-1978
    • 118.15.1 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Kansas Judicial District
    • 118.15.2 Records of U.S. Attorneys, First Division, Kansas Judicial District
    • 118.15.3 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Indian Territory
  • 118.16 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Western Judicial District of Kentucky 1940-68
  • 118.17 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Louisiana Judicial Districts 1914-79
    • 118.17.1 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Western Judicial District of Louisiana
    • 118.17.2 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Eastern Judicial District of Louisiana
  • 118.18 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Maine Judicial District 1863-1945
  • 118.19 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Maryland Judicial District 1933-73
  • 118.20 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Massachusetts Judicial District 1928-76
  • 118.21 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Michigan Judicial Districts 1891-1967
    • 118.21.1 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Western Judicial District of Michigan
    • 118.21.2 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Eastern Judicial District of Michigan
  • 118.22 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Minnesota Judicial District 1869-1959
    • 118.22.1 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Minnesota Judicial District
    • 118.22.2 Records of the Special Assistant to the Attorney General, Sixth Division, Minnesota Judicial District
  • 118.23 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Northern Judicial District of Mississippi 1962
  • 118.24 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Missouri Judicial Districts 1853-1974
    • 118.24.1 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Eastern Judicial District of Missouri
    • 118.24.2 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Western Judicial District of Missouri
  • 118.25 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Montana Judicial District 1973-82
  • 118.26 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Nebraska Judicial District 1905-71
  • 118.27 Records of U.S. Attorneys, New Hampshire Judicial District 1903-66
  • 118.28 Records of U.S. Attorneys, New Jersey Judicial District 1929-71
  • 118.29 Records of U.S. Attorneys, New Mexico Judicial District 1954-76
  • 118.30 Records of U.S. Attorneys, New York Judicial Districts 1821-1979
    • 118.30.1 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Southern Judicial District of New York
    • 118.30.2 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Eastern Judicial District of New York
    • 118.30.3 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Western Judicial District of New York
  • 118.31 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Eastern Judicial District of North Carolina 1919-41
  • 118.32 Records of U.S. Attorneys, North Dakota Judicial District 1918-59
  • 118.33 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Ohio Judicial Districts 1922-74
    • 118.33.1 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Northern Judicial District of Ohio
    • 118.33.2 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Southern Judicial District of Ohio
  • 118.34 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Oklahoma Judicial Districts 1886-1966
    • 118.34.1 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Oklahoma Territory
    • 118.34.2 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Indian Territory
    • 118.34.3 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Northern Judicial District of Oklahoma
    • 118.34.4 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Western Judicial District of Oklahoma
    • 118.34.5 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Eastern Judicial District of Oklahoma
  • 118.35 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Oregon Judicial District 1874-1968
  • 118.36 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Pennsylvania Judicial Districts 1911-81
    • 118.36.1 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Eastern Judicial District of Pennsylvania
    • 118.36.2 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Middle Judicial District of Pennsylvania
    • 118.36.3 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Western Judicial District of Pennsylvania
  • 118.37 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Rhode Island Judicial District 1943-65
  • 118.38 Records of U.S. Attorneys, South Dakota Judicial District 1894-1953, 1973-82
  • 118.39 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Tennessee Judicial Districts 1946
    • 118.39.1 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Middle Judicial District of Tennessee
  • 118.40 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Texas Judicial Districts 1911-80
    • 118.40.1 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Northern Judicial District of Texas
    • 118.40.2 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Southern Judicial District of Texas
    • 118.40.3 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Western Judicial District of Texas
    • 118.40.4 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Eastern Judicial District of Texas
  • 118.41 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Vermont Judicial District 1909-16, 1957-67
  • 118.42 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Virginia Judicial Districts 1949-63
    • 118.42.1 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Western Judicial District of Virginia
    • 118.42.2 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Eastern Judicial District of Virginia
  • 118.43 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Washington Judicial Districts 1951-78
    • 118.43.1 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Western Judicial District of Washington
    • 118.43.2 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Eastern Judicial District of Washington
  • 118.44 Records of U.S. Attorneys, West Virginia Judicial Districts 1982-85
    • 118.44.1 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Northern District of West Virginia
  • 118.45 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Wisconsin Judicial District 1892-1971
  • 118.46 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Wyoming Judicial District 1892-1981
  • 118.47 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Panama Canal Zone 1908-75
  • 118.48 Records of U.S. Attorneys, United States Court for China 1933-41
  • 118.49 Textual Records (General) 1963-67
  • 118.50 Cartographic Records (General)
  • 118.51 Motion Pictures (General)
  • 118.52 Sound Recordings (General)

118.1 Administrative History

Established: Under the supervision of the Attorney General by the Judiciary Act of 1789 (1 Stat. 73), September 24, 1789. Each federal judicial district is authorized one U.S. Attorney.

Functions: U.S. Attorneys prosecute criminal cases in U.S. District Courts, serve as attorneys for the United States in civil suits, and collect those debts owed to the Federal Government that have proven uncollectible by administrative means.

Finding Aids: Preliminary Inventory in National Archives microfiche edition of preliminary inventories.

Related Records:
Record copies of publications of the Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys in RG 287, Publications of the U.S. Government.
Records of District Courts of the United States, RG 21.
General Records of the Department of Justice, RG 60.
Records of the United States Marshals Service, RG 527.

118.2 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Southern Judicial District of

Textual Records (in Atlanta): Letters sent, 1830-58, 1866-93, 1901-16. Letters received, 1826-49, 1866-1908. Subject files, 1858-1921. Case files, 1824-1912. Criminal and civil dockets, 1867-1909. Grand jury dockets, 1873-81, 1887-1918.

Finding Aids: Folder/volume title list.

Related Records: Criminal and civil case files, Southern District of Alabama, in RG 21, Records of District Courts of the United States.

118.3 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Alaska Judicial District

Textual Records (in Anchorage): Territorial case files, Nome office, 1934-60. General territorial records, Juneau office, 1913-59; and Anchorage office, 1946-60. Civil and criminal case files, Alaska District Office, 1955-61.

118.4 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Arizona Judicial District

Textual Records (in Los Angeles, except as noted): Letters sent, 1899-1908. Letters received, 1903-10. Correspondence regarding the enforcement of corporation tax laws, 1911-12. Precedent case files, 1951-61 (in Denver). Precedent case files, 1972.

118.5 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Arkansas Judicial Districts

118.5.1 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Western Judicial District of

Textual Records (in Fort Worth): Precedent case files, 1970-73. Grand jury criminal dockets and minutes, El Dorado Division, 1926-33; Fort Smith Division, 1897-1934; Harrison Division, 1902- 32; and Texarkana Division, 1895-1934.

118.5.2 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Eastern Judicial District of

Textual Records (in Fort Worth): Letters sent, 1849-67, and received, 1899-1917, by the U.S. Attorney, Little Rock Division. Precedent case files, 1940-50.

118.6 Records of U.S. Attorneys, California Judicial Districts

118.6.1 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Northern Judicial District of

Textual Records (in San Francisco): Records relating to significant civil cases, Northern Division, 1899-1971. Records of the Southern Division, consisting of correspondence, 1917-35; and records relating to significant criminal and civil cases, 1865- 1977, including Sealing Act violations, 1888-1927, the "German- Hindu Conspiracy," 1913-20, malfeasance by federal immigration officials, 1919-26, application of the Raker Act by the City and County of San Francisco in connection with the Hetch Hetchy project in Yosemite National Park, 1921-30, and World War II Japanese-American internment, 1943-59.

Sound Recordings (23 items, in College Park, with copies in San Francisco): Monitored Japanese radio broadcasts, 1944-45, submitted as evidence in the trial of Iva D'Aquino ("Tokyo Rose").

118.6.2 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Central Judicial District of

Textual Records (in Los Angeles): Precedent case files, 1950-74.

118.7 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Colorado Judicial District

Textual Records (in Denver): Precedent case files, 1874-1975. Significant civil case files, 1971-81.

118.8 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Connecticut Judicial District

Textual Records (in Boston): Criminal precedent case files, 1953- 60. Proceedings of a special investigative grand jury in the case of U.S. v. John Doe, alleging violations of the Pendleton Act by Bureau of Internal Revenue agents in connection with the 1946 general election, 1947.

118.9 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Delaware Judicial District

Textual Records (in Philadelphia): Precedent case files, 1940-56.

118.10 Records of U.S. Attorneys, District of Columbia Judicial
1863-1946, 1973-77

Textual Records: Civil docket books, 1913-49. Criminal docket books, 1863-1946. Grand jury docket books, 1924-44. Precedent case files, 1973-77.

Subject Access Terms: Hanafi Muslims.

118.11 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Hawaii Judicial District
1920, 1932-70

Textual Records (in San Francisco): Precedent case files, 1932- 70, including the habeas corpus proceeding that overturned World War II martial law in the Territory of Hawaii, 1944, and the Smith Act prosecution, U.S. v. Charles K. Fujimoto et al., 1951- 58. Civil case files (land cases), 1920.

118.12 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Idaho Judicial District

Textual Records (in Seattle): Significant civil and criminal case files, 1932-72.

118.13 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Illinois Judicial Districts

118.13.1 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Northern Judicial District of

Textual Records (in Chicago): Precedent case files, 1936-71.

118.13.2 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Southern Judicial District of

Textual Records (in Chicago): Precedent case files, 1944-63.

118.14 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Iowa Judicial Districts

118.14.1 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Northern Judicial District of

Textual Records (in Kansas City): Precedent case files, 1942-67.

118.14.2 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Southern Judicial District of

Textual Records (in Kansas City): Precedent case files, 1949-68.

118.15 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Kansas Judicial District

118.15.1 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Kansas Judicial District

Textual Records (in Kansas City): Docket books of the U.S. Attorney, District of Kansas and Indian Territory, 1871-96. Precedent case files, 1917-78.

118.15.2 Records of U.S. Attorneys, First Division, Kansas
Judicial District

Textual Records (in Kansas City): Letters sent, 1873-1925. Letters received, 1874-1905. Grand jury docket books, 1881-97. Letters received by Assistant U.S. Attorneys, 1886-1905.

118.15.3 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Indian Territory

Textual Records (in Kansas City): Grand jury dockets, 1883-92.

Related Records: Additional grand jury records UNDER 118.34.2.

118.16 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Western Judicial District of

Textual Records (in Chicago): Precedent case files, 1940-68.

118.17 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Louisiana Judicial Districts

118.17.1 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Western Judicial District of

Textual Records (in Fort Worth): Precedent case files, Shreveport Division, 1914-73.

118.17.2 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Eastern Judicial District of

Textual Records (in Fort Worth): Precedent case files, New Orleans Division, 1926-79.

118.18 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Maine Judicial District

Textual Records (in Boston): Letters sent, 1867-1910. Letters received, 1863-1910. Trial notes, 1870-1901. Criminal and civil dockets, 1866-1928. Registers of complaints, 1898-1929. Records of selective service cases, 1940-45. Case files, 1866-1909.

118.19 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Maryland Judicial District

Textual Records (in Philadelphia): Precedent case files, 1933-70. Significant criminal case files, 1973.

Subject Access Terms: Agnew, Spiro.

118.20 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Massachusetts Judicial District

Textual Records (in Boston): Precedent case files, 1928-76. Records of a special grand jury investigation of organized crime, 1952.

118.21 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Michigan Judicial Districts

118.21.1 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Western Judicial District of

Textual Records (in Chicago): Precedent case files, 1891-1926.

118.21.2 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Eastern Judicial District of

Textual Records (in Chicago): Precedent case files, 1936-67.

118.22 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Minnesota Judicial District

118.22.1 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Minnesota Judicial District

Textual Records (in Kansas City, except as noted): Letters sent, 1876-77 (in Chicago), 1884-1915. Letters received, 1869-99 (in Chicago), 1874-1910. General correspondence, 1911-14. Registers of actions, 1886-1920, and complaints, 1897-99. Grand jury dockets, 1896-1922; minutes, 1898-1912; and witness dockets, 1897-1925. Civil, 1869-97, criminal, 1883-93, equity, 1895-1905, and timber trespass, 1870-80, dockets. Daily record of activities ("U.S. Attorney's Journal"), 1891-1930. Precedent case files, 1899-1951, and (in Chicago) 1940-59. Case files relating primarily to timber trespass and sale of liquor to Indians, 1891- 1906 (in Chicago).

118.22.2 Records of the Special Assistant to the Attorney
General, Sixth Division, Minnesota Judicial District

History: Special Assistant C.U. Landrum appointed by the Attorney General at the request of the Secretary of the Interior, April 1, 1918, to continue investigations begun earlier by the Interior Department into allegations of land fraud perpetrated against the Otter Tail Pillager Chippewa Indians of the White Earth Reservation, MN. First case brought in the U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota, Sixth Division (Fergus Falls, MN), 1910. In all approximately 1,600 cases were initiated, both civil and criminal, though most were settled out of court. Largely concluded by 1922, but appeals to the U.S. Supreme Court kept certain suits active until 1927.

Textual Records (in Kansas City): White Earth subject files, 1909-22. General correspondence, 1914-15. White Earth civil dockets, 1910-22. White Earth Chippewa allotment rolls, 1918, and allotment schedules, 1900-10. White Earth case and case reference files, 1910-22. Transcripts of proceedings before a special master appointed to take testimony, 1913-15. Tentative settlement agreements, 1917-20.

Maps (214 items, in Kansas City): Survey maps and plats of the White Earth Reservation, with accompanying field notes, 1871- 1909.

118.23 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Northern Judicial District of

Motion Pictures (2 reels): Two press conferences by Maj. Gen. Edwin Walker relating to the integration of the University of Mississippi, September 27-28, 1962.

118.24 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Missouri Judicial Districts

118.24.1 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Eastern Judicial District of

Textual Records (in Kansas City): Letters sent, 1853-89. Grand jury dockets, 1887-1932, and minutes, 1876-1917. Precedent case files, 1923-70. General criminal files, 1967-69. Civil case files, 1939-70. Criminal case files, 1921-74. Equity case files, 1914-38.

118.24.2 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Western Judicial District of

Textual Records (in Kansas City): Register of actions, 1871-89. Precedent case files, 1942-71. Transcripts of grand jury testimony, 1939-40.

118.25 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Montana Judicial District

Textual Records (in Denver): Significant civil and criminal case files, 1973-82. Criminal case files, 1978-79.

118.26 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Nebraska Judicial District

Textual Records (in Kansas City): Letters sent, 1905-20. General correspondence, 1916-49. Register of complaints, 1927-48. Precedent case files, 1917-71.

118.27 Records of U.S. Attorneys, New Hampshire Judicial District

Textual Records (in Boston): Precedent case files, 1903-66. Records of a special grand jury investigation of organized crime, 1952.

118.28 Records of U.S. Attorneys, New Jersey Judicial District

Textual Records (in New York): Significant case files, 1929-71.

118.29 Records of U.S. Attorneys, New Mexico Judicial District

Textual Records: Precedent case files, 1954-62 (in Denver). Precedent case files, Albuquerque Division, 1961-76 (in Fort Worth).

118.30 Records of U.S. Attorneys, New York Judicial Districts

118.30.1 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Southern Judicial District of
New York

Textual Records (in New York): Letters sent, 1844-45. Letters received, 1821-47, 1876-78. Register of common law cases, 1843- 45. Significant case files, 1847-1966. Precedent case files, 1934-79 (2,259 ft.).

Subject Access Terms: Rosenberg, Ethel and Julius; Sobell, Morton.

118.30.2 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Eastern Judicial District of
New York

Textual Records (in New York): Significant case files, 1944-79.

118.30.3 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Western Judicial District of
New York

Textual Records (in New York): Significant case files, 1916-74.

118.31 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Eastern Judicial District of
North Carolina

Textual Records (in Atlanta): Correspondence, 1921-32. Precedent case files, 1919-41.

118.32 Records of U.S. Attorneys, North Dakota Judicial District

Textual Records (in Kansas City): Precedent case files, 1918-59.

118.33 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Ohio Judicial Districts

118.33.1 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Northern Judicial District of

Textual Records (in Chicago): Precedent case files, 1922-74.

118.33.2 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Southern Judicial District of

Textual Records (in Chicago): Precedent case files, 1941-59.

118.34 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Oklahoma Judicial Districts

118.34.1 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Oklahoma Territory

Textual Records (in Fort Worth): Criminal and civil dockets, 1890-97.

118.34.2 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Indian Territory

Textual Records (in Fort Worth): Civil, criminal, and grand jury dockets, 1890-1907. Witness record, 1901-2.

Related Records: Additional grand jury records UNDER 118.15.3.

118.34.3 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Northern Judicial District of

Textual Records (in Fort Worth): Precedent case files, Tulsa Division, 1931-61.

118.34.4 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Western Judicial District of

Textual Records (in Fort Worth): Precedent case files, Oklahoma City Division, 1886-1966.

118.34.5 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Eastern Judicial District of

Textual Records (in Fort Worth): Precedent case files, Muskogee Division, 1932-57. Grand jury dockets, 1908-32.

118.35 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Oregon Judicial District

Textual Records (in Seattle): Letters received, 1874-1900. Letters sent, 1890-94. Precedent case files, 1909-68. Oregon land fraud cases, 1904-8.

118.36 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Pennsylvania Judicial Districts

118.36.1 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Eastern Judicial District of

Textual Records (in Philadelphia): Precedent case files, 1911-81. Significant case files, 1978, 1980.

118.36.2 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Middle Judicial District of

Textual Records (in Philadelphia): Precedent case files, 1919-77.

118.36.3 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Western Judicial District of

Textual Records (in Philadelphia): Precedent case files, 1978.

118.37 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Rhode Island Judicial District

Textual Records (in Boston): Precedent case files, 1943-65.

118.38 Records of U.S. Attorneys, South Dakota Judicial District
1894-1953, 1973-82

Textual Records: Registers of complaints, 1896-1918 (in Kansas City). Precedent case files, 1894-1939 (in Denver), and 1948-53 (in Kansas City). Significant civil and criminal case files, 1974-82 (in Denver).Wounded Knee dismissals, 1973 (in Denver).

118.39 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Tennessee Judicial Districts

118.39.1 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Middle Judicial District of Tennessee

Textual Records (in Atlanta): Grand jury investigation of a racial disturbance which occurred in Columbia, Tennessee, beginning on February 25, 1946.

118.40 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Texas Judicial Districts

118.40.1 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Northern Judicial District of

Textual Records (in Fort Worth): Precedent case files, Northern District, 1962-65; Amarillo Division, 1972-75; Dallas Division, 1949-75; Fort Worth Division, 1949-78; Lubbock Division, 1950-78; San Angelo Division, 1951-71; and Wichita Falls Division, 1975.

118.40.2 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Southern Judicial District of

Textual Records (in Fort Worth): Precedent case files, Corpus Christi Division, 1940-53; and Houston Division, 1911-73. Grand jury transcripts, Houston Division, 1972-73.

118.40.3 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Western Judicial District of

Textual Records (in Fort Worth): Precedent case files, Austin Division, 1936-42; Del Rio Division, 1965; El Paso Division, 1937-80; San Antonio Division, 1938-76; and Waco Division, 1948- 64.

118.40.4 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Eastern Judicial District of

Textual Records (in Fort Worth): Precedent case files, Beaumont Division, 1952-67; Jefferson Division, 1958; and Tyler Division, 1942-67.

118.41 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Vermont Judicial District
1909-16, 1957-67

Textual Records (in Boston): Letters sent, 1909-16. Letters received, 1913-16. Precedent case files, 1957-67.

118.42 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Virginia Judicial Districts

118.42.1 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Western Judicial District of

Textual Records (in Philadelphia): Precedent case files, 1963.

118.42.2 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Eastern Judicial District of

Textual Records (in Philadelphia): Precedent case files, 1949-61.

118.43 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Washington Judicial Districts

118.43.1 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Western Judicial District of

Textual Records (in Seattle): Precedent civil and criminal case files, 1951-78.

118.43.2 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Eastern Judicial District of

Textual Records (in Seattle): Precedent civil and criminal case files, 1963-73.

118.44 Records of U.S. Attorneys, West Virginia Judicial Districts

118.44.1 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Northern Judicial District of West Virginia

Textual Records (in Philadelphia): Significant case files, 1982-85.

118.45 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Wisconsin Judicial District

Textual Records (in Chicago): Correspondence on Indian matters, 1894-98, 1903-8. Indian case files, 1892-1908. Precedent case files, 1905-71.

118.46 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Wyoming Judicial District

Textual Records (in Denver): Index cards to civil and criminal case files, 1892-95. Significant civil and criminal case files, 1945-63, 1978-81.

118.47 Records of U.S. Attorneys, Panama Canal Zone

Textual Records (in New York): Precedent case files, 1908-75.

118.48 Records of U.S. Attorneys, United States Court for China

History: United States Court for China established by an act of June 30, 1906 (34 Stat. 814). Abolished when the United States relinquished all extraterritorial rights in China by a treaty of January 11, 1943 (57 Stat. 767).

Textual Records: Correspondence, 1933-41. Case files, 1934-41.

118.49 Textual Records (General)

Selected records relating to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, 1963-67.

118.50 Cartographic Records (General)

SEE Maps UNDER 118.22.2.

118.51 Motion Pictures (General)

SEE UNDER 118.23.

118.52 Sound Recordings (General)

SEE UNDER 118.6.1.

Bibliographic note: Web version based on Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States. Compiled by Robert B. Matchette et al. Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1995.
3 volumes, 2428 pages.

Ordering information

This Web version is updated from time to time to include records processed since 1995.

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