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  1. Who publishes the Population Representation in the Military Services report?
  2. Why is the Population Representation report produced?
  3. Where can I get a printed copy of the current or past Population Representation in the Military Services reports?
  4. I need help finding some information on applicants, recruits, enlisted members, or officers.  Where can I find information on the following?
  5. I am interested in learning more about some demographic characteristics of military personnel.  Where can I find information on the following?
  6. How many people serve in the military?
  7. What is the proportion of civilian youth entering the military?
  8. Where can I get historical data on military personnel?
  9. What is the Veterans' population?
  10. How many people have been drafted?


1.  Who publishes the Population Representation in the Military Services report?

A.  The  Population Representation in the Military Services is published annually by the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness.  You may visit their web site at the following URL:

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2.  Why is the Population Representation report produced?

A.   The Senate Committee on Armed Services (Report 93-884, May 1974) mandated that the Department of Defense report on social representation in the U.S. Military Services annually.  The Introduction of this report provides greater  detail about the requirements for this report.

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3.  Where can I get a printed copy of the  current or past Population Representation in the Military Services reports?

A.  You can download Adobe Acrobat files for the FY 1999 and FY 1998 reports from this site.  Alternatively, copies are available from the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Force Management Policy)(Accession Policy).  Email your request to Capt. Angela Gidding, or call (703) 697-9272.

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4.  I need help finding some  information on applicants, recruits, enlisted members, or officers.  Where can I find information on the following?

A.  The following table provides links to relevant sections of the report.


Active Component

Reserve Component


Chapter 2, Applicants
Appendix A – Tables:  Active Component Applicants

Not available

Enlisted Recruits

Chapter 2, Accessions
Appendix B

Chapter 5, Accessions
Appendix C

Enlisted Force

Chapter 3
Appendix B

Chapter 5, Enlisted Force
Appendix C

Officer Accessions

Chapter 4
Appendix B

Chapter 6
Appendix C

Officer Corps

Chapter 4
Appendix B

Chapter 6
Appendix C

U.S. Coast Guard

Chapter 8
Appendix E

Chapter 8 - Reserve
Appendix E

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5.  I am interested in learning more about some demographic characteristics of military personnel.  Where can I find information on the following?

A.  The following table provides links to relevant sections of the report.


Enlisted Applicants

Enlisted Accessions

Enlisted Force

Officer Accessions and Corps


Active – Table A-1

Reserve – Not available

Active - Chapter 2, Accessions, Age
Tables B-1, B-2, B-13, and B-14

Reserve - Chapter 5, Accessions, Age
Tables C-1, C-2, C-9, and C-10

Active - Chapter 3, Age
Tables B-23, B-24, and D-16

Reserve -  Chapter 5, Enlisted Force, Age
Tables C-15 and C-16 

Active - Chapter 4, Age
Tables B-31 and D-26

Reserve –  Chapter 6, Age
Tables C-23 and C-24  


Active – Chapter 2, Applicants
Tables A-3, A-4, A-6, and A-8

Reserve – Not available

Active – Chapter 2, Accessions, Race/Ethnicity
Tables B-3, B-4, B-15, B-16, D-4, D-5, D-6, D-7, and D-8

Reserve –  Chapter 5, Accessions, Race/Ethnicity
Tables C-3, C-4, C-11, and C-12

Active – Chapter 3, Race/Ethnicity
Tables B-25 , B-26, D-17, and D-18

Reserve – Chapter 5, Enlisted Force,  Race/Ethnicity
Tables C-17 and C-18

Active – Chapter 4, Race/Ethnicity
Tables B-34 , D-22, D-23, D-27, and D-28

Reserve – Chapter 6,  Race/Ethnicity
Table C-27


Active – Chapter 2, Applicants
Tables A-1, A-2, A-3, A-5, and A-7

Reserve – Not available

Active - Chapter 2, Accessions, Gender
Tables B-3, B-15, and D-9

Reserve – Chapter 5, Accessions, Gender
Tables C-3 and C-11

Active - Chapter 3, Gender
Tables B-25 and D-19

Reserve - Chapter 5, Enlisted Force, Gender
Table C-17

Active - Chapter 4, Gender
Tables B-32, D-24, and D-29

Reserve - Chapter 6, Gender
Table C-25

Marital Status

Active – Table A-2

Reserve – Not available

Active - Chapter 2, Accessions, Marital Status
Tables B-2, B-14, and D-10

Reserve - Chapter 5, Accessions,  Marital Status
Tables C-2 and C-10

Active - Chapter 3, Marital Status
Tables B-24 and D-20

Reserve - Chapter 5, Enlisted Force, Marital Status
Table C-16 

Active - Chapter 4, Marital Status
Table B-33

Reserve – Chapter 6, Marital Status
Table C-26  


Active – Tables A-7 and A-8

Reserve – Not available

Active - Chapter 2, Accessions, Education
Tables B-7 , B-8, B-19, B-20, and D-11

Reserve - Chapter 5,  Accessions, Education
Tables C-7, C-8, C-13, and C-14

Active - Chapter 3, Education
Tables B-27 and B-28

Reserve - Chapter 5, Enlisted Force, Education
Tables C-19 and C-20


Active - Chapter 4, Education
Table B-35

Reserve – Chapter 6, Education
Table C-28 


Active – Tables A-5 and A-6

Reserve – Not available

Active - Chapter 2, Accessions, AFQT and High Quality
Tables B-5, B-6, B-9, B-10, B-17, B-18, B-21, B-22, D-12, and  D-13

Reserve – Chapter 5, Accessions, AFQT
Tables C-5 and C-6

Active – Not available

Reserve – Not available


Active – Not available

Reserve – Not available



Active – Not available

Reserve – Not available

Active – Not available

Reserve – Not available

Active – Chapter 3, Representation Within Occupations
Tables B-29 and B-30

Reserve – Chapter 5, Enlisted  Force, Representation Within Occupations
Tables C-21 and C-22

Active – Chapter 4, Representation Within Occupations
Tables B-36, B-37, B-38, and B-39

Reserve – Chapter  6, Representation Within Occupations
Tables C-31 and C-32

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6.  How many people serve in the military?

A.  In the Population Representation report, you will find the number of:

Active Component enlisted members in Chapter 3,
Active Component Commissioned officers and Warrant officers in Chapter 4,
Reserve Component enlisted members in Chapter 5
Reserve Component Commissioned officers in Chapter 6

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7.  What is the proportion of civilian youth entering the military?

A.  The number of individuals entering the military enlisted ranks and comparisons to the civilian population are contained in Chapter 2 and Appendix tables B-1 through B-12.

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8.  Where can I get historical data on military personnel?

In the Population Representation report, longitudinal data is contained in Appendix D.

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9.  What is the Veterans' population?

 The Department of Veterans Affairs ( ) maintains this data.

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10. How many people have been drafted?

 The Selective Service ( maintains this data.

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If you have comments on this site, please send email to Capt. Angela Gidding.

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Chapters: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Appendices: | A | B | C | D | E | F