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OSHA News Release
2003 - 08/12/2003 - Masonry Contractor Fined $117,500 for Scaffolding Hazards in Dallas, Texas

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Region 6 News Release:   OSHA-03-160
Tues., Aug. 12, 2003
Contact: Diana Petterson or Elizabeth Todd
Phone: (214)767-4776, Ext. 222 or 221

Masonry Contractor Fined $117,500 for Scaffolding Hazards in Dallas, Texas
U.S. Labor Secretary Calls Imperial Masonry's Violations "Unacceptable"

DALLAS -- A Houston-based masonry contractor's alleged failure to protect employees from falls and other scaffold-related hazards at a Dallas construction site has resulted in proposed penalties of $117,500 from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) of the U.S. Department of Labor.

Imperial Masonry Ltd. in Houston was cited with four alleged willful safety violations following an inspection conducted as part of a program to prevent fall hazards in the construction industry. The inspection began Feb. 18 at the company's worksite on Munger Street in downtown Dallas. The company employs about 30 workers, 23 of whom were applying brick veneer to the outside of apartment buildings at the Dallas location.

"OSHA standards for scaffold safety are designed to ensure that workers have a stable work platform and are protected from falls and other hazards. Imperial Masonry has previously been cited for the same hazards and this persistent non-compliance is unacceptable," said Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao. "It is unacceptable that an employer would renege on its obligation to correct safety hazards. The department will not hesitate to take significant action in such cases. Protecting worker safety and health must be a priority for employers."

The alleged willful violations were for failing to protect employees working on scaffolding from falling; failing to provide a ladder or other type of safe access to the scaffold; failing to ensure that work levels were fully planked; failing to ensure that toe-boards or other falling object protection was provided and failing to ensure that employees were wearing hard hats.

A willful violation is defined as an intentional disregard of or plain indifference to the requirements of the OSHA Act and regulations.

Imperial Masonry Ltd. has 15 working days from receipt of the citations to comply, request an informal conference with the area director or contest the citations before the independent Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission.

Employers and employees with questions about workplace safety and health standards may call the Dallas area OSHA office at (214) 320-2400. OSHA's toll-free hotline may be used to report workplace accidents, fatalities or situations posing imminent danger to workers. The number is (800) 321-6742.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is dedicated to saving lives, preventing injuries and illnesses, and protecting America's workers. Safety and health add value to business, the workplace and life. For more information, visit

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