National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics] FOB on Corrections Education

Barbara Garner b.garner4 at
Wed Nov 2 14:00:49 EST 2005

I'm not up to date on current corrections-related funding. Can anyone answer Lloyd's question?
Barb Garner
Editor, Focus on Basics

From: Lloyd David <lloyd_david at>
Date: Wed Nov 02 12:20:50 CST 2005
To: b.garner4 at,
'The Focus on Basics Discussion List' <focusonbasics at>
Subject: RE: [FocusOnBasics] FOB on Corrections Education

Several years ago we had a grant to do the CWL Adult Diploma Progrtam at the
Suffolk County hosue of correction. I do not remember the exact number of
graduate but do know that 70% of those who enrolled did graduate with a
standadrd high school diploma from a parochial high school in Boston. Do you
think there might be some funding to do a foolow up

-----Original Message-----
From: Barbara Garner [mailto:b.garner4 at]
Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2005 10:39 AM
To: focusonbasics at
Subject: [FocusOnBasics] FOB on Corrections Education

Focus on Basics 7D was published in September. It's on Corrections Education
and includes some controversial research findings on the economic impact of
the GED on ex offenders' earnings. (Go to to
see the article)

Has anyone talked these over with their students or colleagues? What are
your thoughts on why the GED has no positive economic impact on white
ex-offenders, but has, at least initially, a positive impact on the earnings
of minority ex-offenders? What other impact does earning a GED have on
ex-offenders, and how do you know that?

Barb Garner, Editor
(the next issue, on ESOL research, will be published in December)

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