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Policies & Plans
Transportation Planning Rule
The Oregon Land Conservation and Development Commission adopted the Transportation Planning Rule  (TPR) in 1991 with support from the Oregon Department of Transportation.  The TPR  seeks to ensure that Oregon’s transportation system supports a pattern of travel and land use in urban areas that avoids the air pollution, traffic and livability problems faced by other areas of the country.  The rule aims to improve the livability of urban areas by promoting changes in land use patterns and transportation systems that make it more convenient for people to walk, bicycle, and use transit, and drive less to meet their daily needs.  These changes support other state objectives, including reducing the cost of public services; protecting farm and forest land; reducing air, water, and noise pollution; conserving energy; and reducing greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global climate change. 
Among other things, the TPR:
·        requires the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) to prepare a state transportation system plan (TSP) and identify a system of transportation facilities and services adequate to meet identified state transportation needs;
·        directs counties and metropolitan organizations to prepare regional transportation system plans that are consistent with the state TSP;
·        requires counties and cities to prepare local transportation system plans that are consistent with the regional plans. 
More information on the TPR

Oregon Transportation Plan
The Oregon Transportation Plan  (OTP) is the state's long-range multimodal transportation plan.  The OTP considers all modes of Oregon's transportation system as a single system and addresses the future needs of airports, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, highways and roadways, public transportation and railroads through 2030.  The plan was officially adopted by the Oregon Transportation Commission  on September 20, 2006. 
The Oregon Department of Transportation's 2006 Transportation Plan Survey  (Feb. 2006) found that an overwhelming majority, 78%, of Oregonians believe public transit is needed in their community. 

Oregon Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan
The Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan  was adopted by the Oregon Transportation Commission in 1995.  Standards and designs shown in the plan are ODOT standards used on state highway projects. 

1999 Oregon Highway Plan
The Oregon Transportation Planning Rule requires regional and local transportation system plans to be consistent with the Oregon Highway Plan.  Besides setting forth policies on such matters as highway mobility standards, freight traffic, and traffic safety, the Highway Plan addresses the relationships between land use and transportation in its Land Use and Transportation Policy.  This policy encourages compact development patterns that can yield the following benefits:
  • Reduction of local trips and travel on state highways;
  • Shorter vehicle trips;
  • More opportunities to walk, bicycle, or use available transit services;
  • Increased opportunities to develop transit; and
  • Reduction of the number of vehicle trips to shop and do business.
Policy 1B  of the Oregon Highway Plan addresses the relationship between land use and transportation states in part:
“It is the policy of the State of Oregon to coordinate land use and transportation decisions to efficiently use public infrastructure investments to:
·        Maintain the mobility and safety of the highway system;
·        Foster compact development patterns in communities;
·        Encourage the availability and use of transportation alternatives;
·        Enhance livability and economic competitiveness; and support acknowledged regional, city and county transportation system plans that are consistent with this Highway Plan.”
In support of Policy 1B, Action 1B.1 of the Highway Plan encourages:
  • Transit, bicycle, and pedestrian facilities, including street amenities that support these modes;
  • Design and orientation of buildings and amenities that accommodate pedestrian and bicycle use as well as automobile use;
  • Provision of public and shared parking;
  • Infill and redevelopment;
  • Expansion of intensive urban development guided away from state highways rather than along state highways; and
  • Other supporting public investments that encourage compact development and development within centers.
Action 1B.7 of the Highway Plan describes highway segment designations that influence decisions made by the Oregon Department of Transportation.  Key designations are:
  • Special Transportation Areas (STAs):  The primary objective in STAs is to provide access to community activities, businesses, and residences and to accommodate pedestrian movement along and across the highway in a downtown, business district, or community center.  (See Action 1B.9-1B.11 of the Highway Plan.)  
  • Commercial Centers:  The primary objective in Commercial Centers is to maintain through traffic mobility. 
  • Urban Business Areas:  The primary objective in UBAs is to maintain existing speeds while balancing the access needs of abutting properties with the need to move through traffic.
  • Urban:  The primary objective is to efficiently move through traffic while also meeting the access needs of nearby properties

Oregon Rail Plan
Oregon Rail Plan

Oregon Public Transportation Plan
Oregon Public Transportation Plan

Page updated: August 10, 2007

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