Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
Retention of the Nursing Work Force: Heads I Win, Tails You Lose.
Retention strategies for HIV-infected women, adolescents and children in clinical trials' at the San Juan City Hospital, Puerto Rico.
Rethinking affirmative action in medical school admissions: lessons from the U.K.
Rethinking Health Insurance: Arousing the Public Will.
Rethinking health promotion strategies for people living with HIV/AIDS: a critique of individualization.
Rethinking HIV/AIDS counselling in South Africa: confronting tensions in theory and practice.
Rethinking HIV/AIDS in southern Africa: a problem of development.
Rethinking intellectual property rights:accessing essential medicines for HIV and AIDS in Thailand.
Rethinking primary prevention to meet the needs of gay and bisexual men living with HIV.
Rethinking the HIV Counseling & Testing Model.
Rethinking the relation between media circuits, gay men and health promotion.
Rethinking the role of Youth in HIV and AIDS Communication and claiming their right to the "Pubic Sphere" - experiences from Theatre for Development in Zimbabwe.
Rethinking the Uganda model and its implications for the Africa HIV/AIDS faith initiative.
Reticulocytopenic immune hemolytic anemia in an AIDS patient.
Reticulospinal neurons and vertical vestibulospinal reflexes.
Retinal manifestations in HIV patients.
Retinal microvascular abnormalities in patients with AIDS-related complex or lymphadenopathy syndrome.
Retinal microvasculopathy as initial ophthalmic sign of central nervous system involvement in HIV-infected patients. (first report).
Retinoic acid (RA) is a potent suppressor of HIV expression in chronically infected U1 cells whereas it upregulates virus replication in acutely infected monocytic cells.
Retinoids stimulate HIV-1 expression in monocytes.
Retinotoxicity of repeated injections of foscarnet in the rabbit eye.
Retiree Health Insurance: Recent Trends and Tomorrow's Prospects.
Retraining CSWs: experience from Calabar.
Retreatment of syphilis in HIV positive patients.
Retreatment with Peg-IFN-alfa2a and RBV of Co-infected (HIV/HCV) Non-responders to IFN, Achieves Improved Liver Histology in both Sustained Viral Responders and Non-responders.
Retrieving randomized controlled trials in the MEDLINE database. Results using the Cochrane collaboration strategy.
Retrieving spirituality as a resource for coping with HIV/AIDS: AIDS pastoral care in Switzerland.
Retrogen as an anti-RNase H compound to treat AIDS in human.
Retrogen increases the anti-HIV activity of AZT, DDI and DDC.