Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
Risk adjustment for children with chronic illness.
Risk Adjustment for Children with Special Health Care Needs.
Risk adjustment for Medicare-Medicaid dual eligibles with chronic care needs.
Risk adjustment for pediatric populations.
Risk adjustment for persons with chronic conditions in private sector health plans.
Risk adjustment in measuring hospital adverse events.
Risk adjustment in profiling CABG surgery providers: how much do methods matter?
Risk adjustment in real world practice.
Risk Adjustment in Surgical Site Infection (SSI) Surveillance: Is the NNIS Risk Index Sufficient?
Risk adjustment methods for examining in-hospital mortality.
Risk Adjustment of Patient Outcomes When Sample Size is Small.
Risk adjustment using ambulatory care groups in populations with variable length of enrollment.
Risk Adjustment Using Automated Ambulatory Pharmacy Data: The RxRisk Model.
Risk Adjustment with Diagnoses Present at Admission Reduces the Significance of the Relationship between Hospital Lung Cancer Surgery Volume and Patient Mortality.
Risk and Costs in Georgia LTC Programs: Comparative Examination of Nursing Facility and Home & Community-Based Care using Medicare and Medicaid Data.
Risk and Determinants of Developing Severe Hepatic Cytolysis During Therapy with Non-Nucleoside Analogue Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor Combinations in HIV-Infected Patients.
Risk and HIV/AIDS for women toward the year 2000.
Risk and prevention behaviors regarding to sexual transmision of HIV among teenagers(aged 14-21) living under residential care in 3 autonomous regions of Spain.
Risk and protective factors for HIV/AIDS among Ethiopian adolescents.
Risk and safety in nursing practice concerning prevention/spread of HIV/AIDS in primary health care centres in Jordan.
Risk and Salience Effects in the Consumption of Insurance and Medical Care.
Risk Assessment and Outcomes of Patients with Bacteremic (BPP) and Nonbacteremic Pneumococcal Pneumonia (NBPP).
Risk assessment and reduction among high-risk minorities through sustained outreach and follow-up.
Risk assessment for STD and HIV/AIDS prevalence among autorickshaw drivers in Delhi--a pilot study.
Risk Assessment of Macrolide Use in Fed Cattle on the Treatment of Human Foodborne Illness.
Risk assessment of spread of STD (specifically, AIDS) by computer simulation.
Risk assessment study with respect to HIV/AIDS among alcoholics & drug dependents.
Risk Assessment, Care Planning and the Costs of Care - Results From a Coordinated Care Trial In Australia.
Risk Assessment, Patient Safety and Transitions of Care.
Risk Assumption by Physicians and Physician Groups: How Does it Affect Physician Alignment with Health Care Organizations?