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Marking Requirements for Acquisition Awards

On January 10, 2007, USAID issued a revised agency policy, ADS 320, which provides agency procedures for the branding and marking of USAID-financed assistance (generally contracting.) Section 320.3.2 provides the details information related to acquisition. The entire ADS 320 chapter is available here for download.

The use of the Graphic Standards Manual for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is compulsory for all Agency employees and contractors producing communications and program materials funded by USAID. Print copies of the manual were distributed to Agency bureaus and missions. Contractors should download a copy from this site.

All branding questions, including items not covered in the manual, should be addressed in writing to Joseph Fredericks, Director of Public Information, Production and Online Services, at Contractors must copy their CTOs on all correspondence.

Downloadable files for our updated logo and new brandmark, which together form the USAID Standard Graphic Identity or the USAID Identity, are provided. The USAID Identity must be used to mark all programs, projects, activities, public communications, and commodities funded by USAID. Contractors own organizational logos should NOT be included on program materials unless approved in advance by USAID.

USAID receives "exclusive branding and marking" for the work conducted under all acquisition awards. This means that the foreign assistance delivered is clearly credited to the American people. It also means that competing logos or identities, such as the contractor's, are excluded. Customized identities for countries and places that receive U.S. assistance are available (See Country Brand by Region). Templates for facts sheets, press releases, and other common communications are also provided (See Templates). Vendors who stock a supply of pressure sensitive and vinyl labels are also listed. (See Suppliers).

The USAID Standard Graphic Identity is an official U.S. Government symbol, and any alteration, distortion, recreation, translation or misuse is strictly prohibited. A number of digital file formats are available for download for web and print purposes.

Diagram showing elements of the new USAID logo and brandmark.

Illustration of the new USAID Identity.
Do not use the above image for publication.
Please download the appropriate graphic files for web and print purposes.

Each file is optimized for a variety of applications, for either print or on-screen communications, to ensure easy adherence to these guidelines. Do not recreate the Identity (logo or brandmark) under any circumstances.

A file called USAID_Graphic_Standards_Manual.pdf contains important instructions about usage of these files, and other basic color and typography information. Please read this first before using any of the USAID Identity files.

Please contact with any policy or design-related questions, or if you have any trouble downloading these files.

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Mon, 29 Jan 2007 11:48:07 -0500