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Multiproject Program Grants (P42)

Superfund Basic Research Program

With this 2007 RFA, NIEHS is proposing the continuation of the SBRP to address the broad, complex health and environmental issues that arise from the multimedia nature of hazardous waste sites.  Grants made under the SBRP will be for coordinated, multi-project, multi- and interdisciplinary programs.  The objective remains to establish and maintain a unique Program that links and integrates biomedical research with related engineering, hydrogeologic, and ecologic components.

The application deadline has passed for the 2007 Request for Applications (RFA) for the Multiproject Program (P42) grants.  The 2007 RFA was released on October 19, 2007 and closed April 15, 2008.

The 2007 RFA and corresponding materials are provided here as a reference:

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Last Reviewed: April 30, 2008