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Welcome to the Fish Division Home Page

The 2008-2009 Fishing Regulations are available in pdf format.

Looking for: Fishing Pages, regional Angler Newsletters?  State Parks and Recreation, Bureau of Land Management, Yellowstone National Park home pages also contain information regarding angling and recreating opportunities in Wyoming. Additional related information can be found at Bureau of Reclamation reservoirs and boat ramps, or at Hydromet.

Fishing In Wyoming

Fish Division Mission Statement:

As stewards of Wyoming's aquatic resources, we are committed to conservation and enhancement of all aquatic wildlife and their habitats for future generations through scientific resource management and informed public participation.  We will use an integrated program of protection, regulation, propagation, restoration and control to provide diverse, quality fisheries resources and angling opportunities.  Our efforts will balance the productive capacity of habitats with public desires.

Along with signaling our commitment to our constituents, this statement identifies several key issues for the Fish Division.  We are dedicated to providing quality fishing opportunities to the public, while also improving the habitat, working with non-game species, and restoring historic populations of native fish.  This requires a diverse group of people, with a wide range of skills.    We hope to use this web page to share with you-the public-who we are, what we're doing, and provide you with the resources to keep you up to date not only on what we're doing, but also on issues that are important, like whirling disease, and aquatic nuisance species.  Links to other web sites are coming soon, along with information on fishery careers, fishing, native fish, angling opportunities, and what's on the horizon.  Thanks for stopping in!


 Fish Diseases.  Whirling disease has been in the headlines for many years now, but what is the impact on the angling public and the Fish Division?

  Private Fish Plant Application  An online guide on the application process is available.

Fish Bullet  Design and Construction of a pond guideline

Fish Bullet Water Management and Instream Flow A resource for water management and instream flow efforts taking place within the agency. 

  Wyoming's Cutt-Slam Program - A program designed to encourage anglers to learn more about Wyoming's cutthroat sub-species.
   Native Fish - Species of fish that are native to Wyoming.
     Nonnative Fish - Species of fish that are not native but can be found in Wyoming waters.

  Need to Register your boat?

What's New Heading Image
Fish Division
Arrow Image Fish Regulation Brochure (pdf)
Arrow Image Private Fish Plants
Arrow Image Instream Flow
Arrow Image Boating Information
Arrow Image Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy
Arrow Image Aquatic Assessment
Game and Fish Staff Member
Fish on the Line
Arrow Image Free Fishing Day
Arrow Image Aquatic Habitat
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