Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
Retrospective partner trials (RPT) HIV vaccine study design for measurement of vaccine effects.
Retrospective review of non-AIDS reports in Los Angeles County based on the revised 1987 AIDS case definition.
Retrospective review of non-AIDS reports in New Jersey based on CDC revised surveillance definition of 1987.
Retrospective review of the use of Tenofovir DF in 2 clinical practices.
Retrospective review of tuberculosis (TB) in prison inmates hospitalized for diagnosis and/or treatment of TB disease in a managed care setting.
Retrospective Studies1I.
Retrospective study of antiretroviral therapy in clinical practice at children in the western part of Romania.
Retrospective study of clinic profile of pulmonary tuberculosis among 363 HIV-1 seropositive patients in Kinshasa, Zaire.
Retrospective study of factors contributing to mother-to-child transmission in a group of HIV-1 infected mothers.
Retrospective study of factors responsible for HIV transmission in male homosexuals.
Retrospective study of indications of pejorative evolution among a population of 200 former substance abusers followed for 60 months plus.
Retrospective study of posttransfusion HIV infections.
Retrospective Study of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Bacteremia in Neutropenic Patients: Factors Associated with Poor Outcome.
Retrospective study of short-course anti-TB therapy in HIV-infected IVDUs, Santos, Brazil.
Retrospective study of the impact of combination antiviral drugs on HIV/AIDS clients: with special attention to clients on renal and diabetic diets.
Retrospective study of zidovudine (ZDV) or didanosine (ddI) monotherapy or zalcitabine plus zidovudine (ddC + ZDV) combination therapy in patients with early AIDS.
Retrospective study on oral ulcers in HIV-positive patients from 1989 to 1995.
Retrospective study regarding the prognoses of children born from HIV-1 infected women in Japan.
Retrospective study with infected women in Sao Paulo-Brazil.
Retrospective Study: Impact of Hepatitis C Virus Infection on Kidney-Transplanted Patients over 10 Years.
Retrotest: simultaneous detection of HIV-1; HIV-2 and HTLV-1 antibodies.
Retrotransposon and retroviral cores as particulate carrier systems.
Retrovir 300 mg bid versus 100 mg Q 4 H: a randomized, double-blind, pilot study of safety and tolerance.
Retroviral assembly.
Retroviral effects on muscle cells.
Retroviral fitness and drug selection pressure.
Retroviral inactivation in blood: HIV as a model system.
Retroviral infection enhances susceptibility of mice to experimental toxoplasmosis.
Retroviral infection in different monkey species.