Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
Revised classification system for HIV infection in adolescents and adults.
Revised indirect estimates of the total number of HIV-1 infected persons in England and Wales.
Revised surveillance report of HIV/AIDS in Japan, 1997.
Revising a national standard: redevelopment of the Australian NHMRC evidence hierarchy.
Revision of Linezolid Disk Diffusion Quality Control (QC) Range for Testing S. aureus ATCC 25923: A Seven Center Trial.
Revision of the Canadian economic guidelines - meeting decision-maker needs.
Revisioning community HIV/AIDS strategy.
Revisiting high risk behavior groups definition in hiv surveillance - Bangladesh.
Revisiting HIV/AIDS information dissemination.
Revisiting Maintenance Therapy: Evaluating HIV DNA and HIV RNA as Predictors of Virologic Success.
Revitalizing a national sexually transmitted disease (STD) control programme of the Philippines.
Revival of local traditional practices to support older people affected by HIV/AIDS in northern Thailand: The case of Phee Poo Ya.
Reviving solidarity ? the exemple of a modest funds provider.
Rewards, challenges, and survival bonding in the provision of anonymous HIV testing services: a qualitative analysis of counselor experiences.
RH9 cells exposed to salivary gland extracts from patients with Sjogren's Syndrome produce an A-type particle antigenically-related to HIV.
Rhabdomyolysis in a Patient Receiving Simvastatin Concurrently with Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy.
Rhabdomyolysis in Influenza-like Illness as a Marker for Infection by Influenza A or B Virus.
Rhabdovirus-Based Vectors Expressing HIV-1 Env or Gag Induce Vigorous Cellular Responses against HIV-1 and Infect Efficiently Human Dendritic Cells.
Rhabdovirus-Based Vectors Expressing HIV-1 Env or Gag Induce Vigorous Cellular Responses against HIV-1 and Infect Efficiently Human Dendritic Cells.
Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment associated with the ganciclovir implant in patients with AIDS and CMV retinitis.
Rhesus MAbs binding to SIV gp120 derived from macaques infected with an attenuated macrophage tropic SIV vaccine.
Rhesus macaque model of simian-human immunodeficiency virus containing human immunodeficiency virus type 1 subtype C genes: in vitro titration, persistent infection but control of viremia upon one-year follow-up.
Rhesus Macaque Rhadinovirus (RRV)-a Model to Decipher Kaposi's Sarcoma-associated Herpes Virus (KSHV) Capsid Structure and Protein Composition.
Rhesus macaques immunized with transformed simian B cells are not protected against SIV challenge.
Rhesus macaques vaccinated with phage-displayed HIV-1 epitopes and subsequently infected with SHIV-89.6PD are partially protected against disease progression.
Rhesus monkeys immunized with recombinant vaccine viruses containing HIV-1 envelope genes develop antibodies reactive with envelope of divergent HIV-1 strains.
Rhesus monkeys immunized with soluble rhesus CD4 develop anti-CD4 antibody with anti SIVmac activity.
Rheumatic symptomatology in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV): prevalence and relationship to clinical and laboratory variables.
Rheumatoid arthritis -- implementing new expensive drugs and early diagnosis.
Rheumatoid Arthritis Following Hepatitis B Vaccination in Adults.