You are here: Home News Room Radio Addresses 2006 March 24, 2006- Disaster Recovery

March 24, 2006- Disaster Recovery

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In the wake of heavy rains and flooding around our state, and the dam breach on Kaua`i, a coordinated statewide effort is underway to help residents and businesses recover.

State, county, federal and private agencies, assisted by our National Guard, have worked collaboratively to repair damages, remove debris and aid residents in immediate danger.

Dams and reservoirs around throughout the state, including all 54 on Kaua`i will be have been inspected by state and federal engineers.

Governor Lingle has requested $14.3 million in emergency funding to help cover the cost of repairs.  This money will also be used to determine the structural integrity of dams and reservoirs statewide and develop long-term plans to ensure dam safety.

An emergency proclamation signed by the Governor activated loan programs for people whose homes, businesses or farms sustained damage.

Our hearts and prayers go out to the family and friends who have lost loved ones in this tragedy.

On behalf of Governor Linda Lingle and Lt. Governor Aiona, we will continue to focus on helping all our residents recover and prevent further devastation.

Mahalo.  This is State Adjutant General Robert Lee.

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