You are here: Home News Room Radio Addresses 2006 February 24, 2006- Energy Independence

February 24, 2006- Energy Independence

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Hawai`i's dependence on imported oil leaves our residents vulnerable to price swings and supply shortages.

We have the highest oil-dependence of any state in the nation. 

Nearly 77 percent of the electricity generated in our state comes from imported oil.

My Administration is working collaboratively with the Legislature, private sector  community leaders to pass broad-based comprehensive initiatives to reduce this over-dependence, while moving our state toward energy self-sufficiency. 

Our proposals would encourage the development of renewable energy sources that take advantage of Hawai`i's abundant natural resources.

I am also proposing a bold new initiative to make Hawai`i the leader in the development of hydrogen as an alternative fuel source.


We are proposing measures to increase energy efficiency in state buildings, as well as to expand tax incentives to those who install energy efficient appliances, and wind systems.

These strategic proposals will help ensure our energy security and economic future.


This is Governor Linda Lingle

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