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Superfund Frequently Asked Questions: Community Information

  1. How can I find out if there is a Superfund site near my home?
  2. How can I find out the names of polluters who contributed to a Superfund site (potentially responsible parties or PRPs)?
  3. How do I report a release of hazardous substances?
  4. Which are the main EPA headquarters offices with primary responsibility for managing activities under the Superfund program?
  5. How can I find more Frequently Asked Questions about Superfund?

Superfund FAQs Categories: General | Enforcement | Community Information | Laws, Policy & Guidance | Aviall/ARC

1. How can I find out if there is a Superfund site near my home?
EPA's "Locate Superfund Sites" web site which can help you locate any Superfund site near your home using maps and/or databases.

2. How can I find out the names of polluters who contributed to a Superfund site (potentially responsible parties or PRPs)?
This information is available on CD-ROM from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) and is entitled, "CERCLA (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980) PRP (Potentially Responsible Party) Data (Raw Data File on CD-ROM)." The document order number is PB2001-500055. The data file is on one CD-ROM disc. This product contains data only. Customers must provide their own search and retrieval software, such as EXCEL which can be used to view data. The price is $112 plus charges and handling fees. The price is higher outside the U.S. You can order directly from the NTIS web site or dial 1-800-553-6847.

Alternatively, if you would like EPA to provide this CD-ROM or format a report for you, you can send a Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) request to the EPA FOIA Officer, Mail Code 1105A, Freedom Of Information Act Office, U.S. EPA, .1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW , Washington DC 20460 . There is a charge for this service based on the time spent by EPA. In your request letter be sure to specify the maximum dollar amount you are willing to pay EPA.

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3. How do I report a release of hazardous substances?
Releases should be reported to the National Response Center (NRC) at (202) 267-2675 or (800) 424- 8802. The U.S. Coast Guard staffs the NRC, a central location for reporting discharges or releases of hazardous substances into all media. If the NRC cannot be reached, the EPA Regional Office or district office of the U.S. Coast Guard may receive reports, with the NRC notified as soon as possible. Examples of releases to be reported are:

(Regulations require that releases of specific volumes and weights of various substances be reported to the federal government. Quantities that constitute a reportable release are listed at 40 CFR part 302.4.)

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4. Which are the main EPA headquarters offices with primary responsibility for managing activities under the Superfund program?
Offices with primary responsibility for managing the Superfund program are:

The EPA Regional Offices are responsible for implementing the Superfund program at individual hazardous waste sites.

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5. How can I find more Frequently Asked Questions about Superfund?
These frequently asked questions and more can be found by visiting EPA's Superfund Frequently Asked Questions web site.

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