You are here: Home News Room Radio Addresses 2006 May 26, 2006- Hurricane Preparedness

May 26, 2006- Hurricane Preparedness

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Last year, as hurricanes devastated the Gulf Coast, we were reminded of our own vulnerability and memories of Hurricanes Iniki and Iwa.

To help prepare for a hurricane and other disasters, I recently signed bills to increase funding to modernize warning systems, such as sirens, stockpile emergency supplies for shelters, retrofit homes and buildings to withstand high winds and update emergency evacuation maps. The new measures include creating designated shelters for those needing special medical care, and where people can bring their pets.

Another law will protect civil defense and emergency workers, and help deter looting and property damage.

During hurricane season, which runs through November, you can take steps to prepare your family and business.  Prepare your personalized hurricane kit with water, food, medication and other items your family will need in an emergency.

Please listen to this station to learn more about how you can prepare for a hurricane.

Mahalo.  This is Governor Linda Lingle.

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