You are here: Home News Room Radio Addresses 2006 December 31, 2006 - NEW YEAR’S MESSAGE – 2007

December 31, 2006 - NEW YEAR’S MESSAGE – 2007

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This past year, our state made tremendous progress in a number of important areas.

Our vibrant economy continued to prosper, providing the lowest unemployment in the nation, rising personal income, and a $736 million surplus. 

With these resources we can continue to improve our schools, enhance health and human services, help our homeless population, increase affordable housing, upgrade transportation systems and protect our fragile environment. 

In 2006, we also saw ordinary citizens reach out to help neighbors in need.  Whether helping families whose homes were damaged by heavy rains or earthquakes, or feeding the homeless, the people of Hawai`i showed once again that aloha means caring for our entire `ohana. 

As the New Year approaches, I look forward to working with everyone to build on our successes, while embracing the challenges and opportunities before us.

I wish you a safe and happy New Year, filled with hope and optimism.


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