Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
Rights promotion index for HIV/AIDS workers.
Rights to imparting knowledge on HIV/AIDS (teachers&students).
RIL-2 in the treatment of lymphomas associated to HIV infection. Preliminary report.
rIL-2 rescues in vitro functions of lymphocytes from HIV-infected individuals.
Riluzole for motor neurone disease - an economic analysis.
Ring Use as a Risk Factor (RF) for Hand Colonization in a Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU).
Rise in Non-B Haemophilus influenzae Invasive Disease after Hib Vaccination.
Rise in prevalence of GUD among STD clinic attenders in Jamaica: significance for HIV transmission.
Rise of HIV infection and injecting and sexual behavior of drug users in Madrid.
Rising CD4 Cell Counts in Spite of Incomplete Adherence over 12 Months.
Rising frequency of HIV-1 env- and gag- specific cytotoxic T-lymphocyte precursors in PBMC of infants with vertically- acquired HIV-infection.
Rising HIV infection rates and STD prevalence herald AIDS epidemic in Vietnam.
Rising HIV rates in major cities: AIDS optimism, semiotic snares, and the bio-medical subject.
Rising Mortality Rates among Recent Entrants to Care for HIV Infection.
Rising Numbers of HIV Infection after a Syphilis Epidemic.
Rising p24-antigen levels indicate long-term zidovudine treatment failure.
Rising prevalence of antibodies against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) in Western Maharashtra, India.
Rising prevalence of HIV infection among persons attending the Genito-urinary Medicine Clinic in Guyana.
Rising prevalence of HIV Kaposi's sarcoma (HIV KS) in KwaZulu Natal(KZN), South Africa(SA) A retrospective review over an 18-year period: 1984- 2003.
Rising prevalence? Declining incidence? Montreal's needle exchange: a successful verdict or is the jury still out?
Rising seroprevalence of HIV-I and HTLV-I in STD patients in Trinidad and Tobago.
Rising trend of HIV infection among antenatal mothers in a Kenyan rural area.
Rising trends in HIV diagnoses in western Europe.
Risk adjusted outcome measures and quality of care in nursing home.
Risk Adjusted Outcome Measures of Quality of Urinary Incontinence Care in New York State Nursing Homes.
Risk adjusted outcome measures of quality: difference or ratio of observed and expected rates - which is correct and when does it matter?.
Risk adjusting for medical complications in the prediction of rehabilitation length of stay.
Risk Adjustment and Evaluation of the HEDIS Low Birth Weight Measure.
Risk Adjustment and the Impact of Outliers on Prospective Risk Models: Differential Methods of Determining Where, When and How to Cut the Edge.
Risk Adjustment and Transfer Payments to Discourage Patient Dumping under Medicare Managed Care.