Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
Rev-independent expression of HIV-1.
Rev-independent molecular clones of HIV-1 and SIV are growth-attenuated in vitro.
Rev-Independent SIV as Model to Study Pathogenic Mechanisms in Neonatal and Juvenile Rhesus Macaques.
Rev-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes in HIV infected individuals.
Revaccination of Healthy Nonresponders (NR) with Hepatitis B Vaccine (HBV): Comparison of 40 microg (HD) HBV versus 10 microg (SD) HBV Plus Concurrent 125 microg Sargramostim (GMCSF) and Prediction of Seroprotection Response.
Revealed preferences of prescriptive medicines.
Revealing the Activity of Aureobasidin A (AbA) toward Aspergillus fumigatus.
Reversal in adult mortality trends in South Africa.
Reversal of a neutralization sensitive phenotype of the HIV-IIIB isolate in an infected lab worker but not in a chimpanzee.
Reversal of feline leukemia virus infection by the adoptive transfer of immune lymphocytes, alpha interferon, and AZT.
Reversal of HIV-related neutrophil dysfunction with Interleukin-15.
Reversal of hyperlipidaemia and lipodystrophy in patients switching therapy to nelfinavir.
Reversal of hypertriglyeridaemia and stabilisation of peripheral lipodystrophy in HIV-1 patients switching from other protease inhibitor (PI) therapy to nelfinavir.
Reversal of immune activation during potent anti-retroviral therapy.
Reversal of in vivo semen-associated pH neutralization of cervicovaginal secretions by vaginal douching: a possible tool for limiting HIV transmission in developing countries.
Reversal of mitochondrial DNA and RNA depletion in patients switched to indinavir/ritonavir 800/100mg bid and efavirenz 600mg qd after failing NRTI combination therapy: a prospective, 48 week substudy of HIV-NAT 009.
Reversal of neutropenia in AIDS patients with CD4 cells count below 50 treated with combined antiretroviral therapy including protease inhibitors (PI).
Reversal of thrombocytopenia and leucopenia in HIV patients (p) with CD4 cells count below 50 treated with protease inhibitors (PI).
Reversal of Vancomycin Resistance by Inhibition of the D-Ala D-Ala Dipeptidase (vanX) in Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus (VRE).
Reversal trends of HIV1 and HIV2 sero-prevalence among pregnant women, in four urban major areas in Senegal (1989-2001).
Reverse extrapolation as a method for estimating HIV seroprevalence.
Reverse Transcriptase (RT) and Protease (PRO) Sequences Generated for Antiviral Drug Resistance Evaluation Allow Assignment to HIV-1 Subtypes (ST) in the pol Region.
Reverse transcriptase (RT) gene analysis in HIV-1 seroconverting patients.
Reverse transcriptase (RT) gene analysis of HIV-1 mutants dually resistant to AZT and ddI.
Reverse transcriptase (RT) mutation patterns from ZDV-Naive subjects failing d4T-containing regimens.
Reverse transcriptase (RT) nucleotide sequences from AZT resistant strains of HIV-1 suggest the involvement of further mutation sites in the development of drug resistance.
Reverse transcriptase activity (RTA) by Amp-RT analysis as an early diagnostic test and prognostic indicator of disease progression and perinatal transmission of HIV-1.
Reverse transcriptase activity measured by ELISA.
Reverse transcriptase and protease genotypes in patients with HIV-1 symptomatic primary infection on antiretroviral tritherapy (ANRS053 trial).