You are here: Home News Room Radio Addresses 2007 September 6, 2007 - Hawai`i Superferry

September 6, 2007 - Hawai`i Superferry

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"There continues to be questions about the recent Hawai`i Supreme Court ruling about the Superferry. The opinion requires the state to conduct an environmental assessment for Kahului Harbor.

While the ruling applies only to Maui, the State will extend the assessment to include Nawiliwili, Kawaihae and Honolulu Harbors. During the environmental assessment process, which may take up to eight months, the decision to allow the Superferry to operate rests with the courts.

The Department of Transportation has filed a procurement exemption to expedite the environmental assessment process. There is currently a seven-day public comment period on this emergency request. 

My Administration is working closely with federal, state and county officials to ensure the public is safe if the Superferry returns to Kaua`i, while respecting everyone's right to voice their opinion.

Regardless of how you feel about the Superferry, I encourage everyone to move forward as a community in a safe, respectful and legal manner."

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