You are here: Home News Room Radio Addresses 2007 March 2, 2007 - Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument

March 2, 2007 - Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument

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"Following the federal designation of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands as a marine national monument, a collaborative effort was formed to develop an appropriate Hawaiian name for the 1,200-mile chain of atolls and reefs.

As a tribute to this natural and cultural legacy, Papahanaumokuakea was selected as the name to represent the birth of the Hawaiian Islands through the joining of earth Papa and sky Akea.  This name honors the heritage and historical significance of this precious resource.

Home to the endangered monk seal, green sea turtle and other species found nowhere else in the world, the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands or Papahanaumokuakea is a special place worthy of the highest levels of protection.  We are committed to leaving this legacy for future generations."

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