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November 22, 2007 - Above & Beyond Citizen Honors

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Every day, ordinary citizens do extraordinary things in our community.  It can happen in an instant or a lifetime of placing others before self.  It's important to honor the incredible service and heroism of Hawai`i's residents.

To recognize those who have made a difference in the lives of others, the Congressional Medal of Honor Society is leading a national initiative called Above & Beyond Citizen Honors. 

One finalist from each state will be selected and these recipients will be recognized at a prestigious ceremony in Washington, D.C. in March of 2008.

Our aloha spirit can be seen in acts of bravery and selfless heroism, which serve as daily inspiration.  I encourage you to honor Hawai`i citizens by nominating heroes for this national award.

To learn more about the program and how to nominate our local heroes, please visit my website at



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