You are here: Home News Room Radio Addresses 2007 February 2, 2007 - Innovation in Hawai`i's Workforce

February 2, 2007 - Innovation in Hawai`i's Workforce

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"I would like to speak with you about the importance of our Hawai`i Workforce Innovation Initiative.

Hawai`i's ability to support a more knowledge- and innovation-intensive economy as well as raise our standard of living requires an immediate and ongoing upgrade of the skill sets possessed by our existing and future workforce.

The rapid pace of changing technology in business is requiring companies and workers to upgrade skills training in order to remain competitive.

The bill I've introduced has several related components - a lifelong learning account, rapid response training programs, the "Kama`aina Come Home" program, and merging workforce development with economic development programs.

This innovation initiative is about Hawai`i's future.  Please encourage the legislature to support this initiative."

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