You are here: Home News Room Radio Addresses 2007 February 16, 2007 - Pedestrian Safety

February 16, 2007 - Pedestrian Safety

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"Within the first few weeks of 2007, we have seen significant numbers of pedestrian accidents statewide - seven of which resulted in fatalities. On O`ahu alone, three accidents occurred in one day.

I have proposed legislation to stiffen penalties for drivers who violate the state's crosswalk law by failing to yield to pedestrians. This legislation would increase fines, lengthen license revocation and even require jail time for repeat offenders.

Keeping our roads safe will require the cooperation of both drivers and pedestrians.
Pedestrians should always cross the street in a marked crosswalk and look both ways before walking. Assuming drivers will stop because you are walking is a dangerous decision.

For drivers, please be on alert for pedestrians, especially our keiki and kupuna, particularly in the early morning hours.

Please walk safely and drive with aloha. It's a decision that will save lives!"

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