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Big Bend National Park
Area Map (50k PDF file)
A travelers map showing all routes to and from Big Bend National Park.

Backcountry Zone Map [220k PDF File]
Map of backcountry zone camping areas with names, codes, and capacities. Formatted to fit on legal-size paper.

Basic Park Map (641k PDF file)
Full-color basic park map showing most facilities, but not backcountry road sites. Includes a map of Texas showing major routes to the park. Updated in 2004.

Chisos Basin and Rio Grande Village Developed Area Map (624k PDF file)
Detail maps of the Chisos Basin and Rio Grande Village developed areas, showing the location of visitor centers, trailheads, campgrounds, and other facilities. Updated in 2007.

Detailed Park Map (896k PDF file)
Full-color, shaded relief park map showing all campgrounds, backcountry road campsites, trails, and facilities. Updated in 2007.

High Chisos Mountains Trail System Map (429k PDF file)
Detail map of the hiking trails leading from the Chisos Basin into the High Chisos area. Backcountry campsites are not shown.

Looking for Topo Maps?
Detailed topographic maps in a variety of formats are available through the Big Bend Natural History Association bookstore.
Topographic map index for Big Bend National Park

Cooper's Store, 1940s  

Did You Know?
Local legend Hallie Stillwell once said,“Cooper’s Store was the clearing house for information; travelers always stopped to find out what had happened ahead of them.” The old store building retains this role today as the Persimmon Gap Visitor Center at the north entrance to Big Bend National Park.

Last Updated: February 29, 2008 at 15:18 EST