You are here: Home News Room Radio Addresses 2007 September 13 and 20, 2007 - Pet Quarantine Program to Neighbor Islands

September 13 and 20, 2007 - Pet Quarantine Program to Neighbor Islands

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"For many Hawai`i residents and visitors, the care of our family pets is a top concern.  I am proud to announce the Hawai`i State Department of Agriculture is now making it easier for pets to enter Hawai`i through the neighbor islands.

We have recently expanded the quarantine program by partnering with community veterinary services and humane societies, to allow "qualified" dogs and cats to enter Hawai`i through airports on Kaua`i, Maui and in Kona.

Hawai`i is one of the few places in the world that is rabies-free and the rabies quarantine program is an important safeguard that protects our state's residents and animals.  Since the quarantine rules were revised in 2003, more than 83 percent of pets arriving on O`ahu have qualified for direct release at the airport.

To view a checklist that outlines the requirements for neighbor island entry and how to "qualify" your pet, visit the Department of Agriculture's website at"

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