You are here: Home News Room Radio Addresses 2007 June 1, 2007 - Hurricane Preparedness

June 1, 2007 - Hurricane Preparedness

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"At the start of this hurricane season, which runs through November, we are reminded of the real threat that hurricanes pose to our islands.
Hurricane preparedness is a responsibility we all share.  Residents can prepare for a hurricane by developing a family disaster plan, creating an emergency supply kit with provisions for five days and staying aware of current weather conditions.
As part of our Administration's long-term commitment to preparedness, I have signed new legislation to help make your homes safer by integrating statewide building codes to include hurricane resistive design standards and by helping to defray up to 35 percent of the cost of wind resistive measures which you may add to your home.

It is not a question of if another hurricane will strike, but when.  By being prepared you will ensure your home and family are safe from these damaging storms."

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