You are here: Home News Room Radio Addresses 2007 January 26, 2007 - 2007 Legislative Session

January 26, 2007 - 2007 Legislative Session

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"The 2007 legislative session will be one of our state's most important ever as we lay the foundation for Hawai`i's future.

I've submitted 220 bills that will help create a higher standard of living for our residents by addressing pressing needs, investing in the future, and preserving the things that make Hawai`i special.

Our proposals focus on tax relief, education, access to quality healthcare, affordable housing, land use policies, the environment, increasing Hawai`i's competitiveness in the global economy, protecting our citizens, and upgrading highways, harbors and airports.

I am optimistic about working with legislators and the public to address the challenges and opportunities that lie before us.

To learn more, visit my Web site at

The Future Begins Today."

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