You are here: Home News Room Radio Addresses 2007 August 16, 2007 - Emergency Preparedness

August 16, 2007 - Emergency Preparedness

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"Hurricane Flossie reminded all of us of the importance of being prepared, especially as hurricane season continues through November.

Preparing a family disaster plan is critical.  It is important to discuss your plan with every family member.  Also, make sure you have a plan for your family pet.

Having a disaster supply kit prepared with enough food and water for three to seven days is essential.  Your kit should include medicines, toiletries, clothes and blankets in case you have to evacuate your home.  Be sure to keep a battery-operated radio, flashlight and spare batteries on hand at all times. 

The state also offers a program to help cover the cost of securing and preparing your home for a hurricane.

Learn more about how your family can be prepared by visiting my website at "

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