You are here: Home News Room Radio Addresses 2007 May 11, 2007 - Sex Offender Registry Bill

May 11, 2007 - Sex Offender Registry Bill

Click here to listen to this address, presented this week by Lt. Governor James R. "Duke" Aiona, Jr.

"Last year, the Lingle-Aiona Administration successfully instituted the statewide online sex-offender registry program.  The online database is accessible to the public so you can better protect your family by knowing the whereabouts of these individuals.

Now, through a new law, any registered sex offender is prohibited from legally changing their name, a move which could conceal their identity.

My office reviews and processes more than 1,000 name change requests per year.  But, the implementation of this new safeguard will help our keiki and your families to remain safe.
While this law is already on the books, our Administration continues to review other legislation passed this session, and we welcome public input. Please call, email or fax our offices to make your voices heard.

I encourage you to visit for updates on bills that our Administration has signed into law or vetoed."

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