You are here: Home News Room Radio Addresses 2007 April 6, 2007 - Easing Hawai`i's Tax Burden

April 6, 2007 - Easing Hawai`i's Tax Burden

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"As all of us prepare to meet the deadline to file state and federal taxes, we are reminded of Hawai`i's heavy tax burden.

To help ease this hardship, my Administration has proposed a comprehensive tax relief plan to help those who need it most.  Our tax package provides $346 million in relief over two years.

Two ways this would be achieved are by increasing the standard deduction to allow Hawai`i wage earners to keep more of their take-home pay and by automatically adjusting the tax brackets annually to account for inflation.

The hard working citizens of Hawai`i need and deserve tax relief now!

With the legislature closing out the 2007 session soon, now is the time to communicate with your state legislators about voting for these important initiatives that will improve the quality of life for all the people of Hawai`i."

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