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West Gulf RFC
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Big Bend Zoom
Last Updated:  Sat Sep 20, 2008 01:40 AM CDT   
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Flooding Definitions
No Flooding No flooding is currently occurring at this location.
Near Flooding Approaching Flood Stage. Could exceen bankfull, but no impacts at this level
Minor Flooding Potential for some public inconvenience, but minimal or no property damage likely.
Moderate Flooding Potential for closure of secondary roads. Transfer to higher elevation may be necessary to save property. Some evacuations may be required.
Major Flooding Potential for extensive inundation and property damage. Usually characterized by the evacuation of people and livestock and the closure of primary and secondary roads.
Record Flooding Potential for the highest observed River stage or discharge at a given site during the period of record keeping. (Not necessarily the highest known stage)
Missing data No observed stage data reported in the last 24 hours to generate a status category.
Reservoir Information No status information is provided for this location however data is available.

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National Weather Service
West Gulf River Forecast Center
Page last modified: July 20, 2006
Pecos River near Girvin Delaware River near Red Bluff Red Bluff Reservoir near Orla Pecos River near Sheffield Independence Creek nr Chandler Ranch Sheffield Pecos River at Pandale Crossing near Pandale Deadman's Canyon near Comstock Pecos River near Langtry Rio Grande at Foster Rch nr Langtry/Rch Santa Rosa Rio Grande near Dryden Rio Grande at Heath Canyon Rio Grande at Boquillas Ranger Station Rio Grande at Johnson Rnch nr Castolon/Santa Elena Rio Grande at Castolon Terlingua Creek near Terlingua Rio Grande at Lajitas Rio Grande blo Rio Conchos nr Presidio and Ojinaga Cibolo Creek near Presidio Rio Grande at International Bridge at Presidio Rio Grande abv Rio Conchos nr Presidio and Ojinaga Rio Grande nr Candelaria and San Antonio Del Bravo