1997 Nonemployer Statistics
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services

United States
Includes only firms subject to federal income tax. Nonemployers are businesses with no paid employees. Introductory text includes scope and methodology. More detail is available for employers. For descriptions of column headings and rows (industries), click on the appropriate underlined element in the table.
Description All taxable firms Nonemployers Employers
54 Professional, scientific, & technical services t 3,265,160 t 660,707,290 2,649,855 81,165,151 615,305 579,542,139
541 Professional, scientific, & technical services t 3,265,160 t 660,707,290 2,649,855 81,165,151 615,305 579,542,139
5411 Legal services 383,682 136,784,608 209,966 9,732,202 173,716 127,052,406
5412 Accounting, tax return prep, bookkeeping, & payroll services 407,005 65,941,746 309,493 4,824,431 97,512 61,117,315
541211 Offices of certified public accountants 92,007 39,703,324 38,356 1,102,059 53,651 38,601,265
541213 Tax return preparation services 85,813 3,013,732 72,983 829,522 12,830 2,184,210
541214 Payroll services 5,505 14,161,909 2,796 48,892 2,709 14,113,017
541219 Other accounting services 223,680 9,062,781 195,358 2,843,958 28,322 6,218,823
5413-a Architectural, engineering, & related services N N 203,937 6,849,388 N N
54131 Architectural services 70,272 18,994,283 49,670 2,005,945 20,602 16,988,338
54132 Landscape architectural services X X 22,816 513,674 X X
54133 Engineering services 140,844 91,501,146 88,318 3,320,458 52,526 88,180,688
54134 Drafting services 24,279 1,065,865 22,407 460,503 1,872 605,362
54135 Building inspection services 11,366 837,503 8,595 198,462 2,771 639,041
54136 Geophysical surveying & mapping services 2,361 1,157,047 1,774 69,261 587 1,087,786
54137 Surveying & mapping (except geophysical) services 18,206 3,278,079 9,342 236,197 8,864 3,041,882
54138 Testing laboratories 6,503 6,487,852 1,015 44,888 5,488 6,442,964
5414 Specialized design services 116,132 17,223,892 89,696 2,969,868 26,436 14,254,024
5415 Computer systems design & related services 278,512 115,695,667 206,234 6,728,053 72,278 108,967,614
5416 Management, scientific, & technical consulting services 644,497 80,803,133 564,071 17,374,393 80,426 63,428,740
5417 Scientific research & development services 24,480 23,552,625 16,650 474,318 7,830 23,078,307
5418 Advertising & related services 135,133 53,937,330 96,301 4,647,248 38,832 49,290,082
5419 Other professional, scientific, & technical services t 979,072 t 42,932,840 953,507 27,565,250 25,565 15,367,590
54191 Marketing research & public opinion polling 21,588 8,388,501 17,558 508,615 4,030 7,879,886
54192 Photographic services 92,668 7,511,357 75,095 1,940,138 17,573 5,571,219
54193 Translation & interpretation services 28,918 950,871 28,014 536,301 904 414,570
54194 Veterinary services X X 10,634 396,745 X X
54199 All other professional, scientific, & technical services 825,264 25,685,366 822,206 24,183,451 3,058 1,501,915
D Withheld to avoid disclosure;   N Not available; S Withheld because data do not meet publication standards;   W Wholesale receipts for nonemployers are not comparable to wholesale sales for employers;   X Industry not in scope of Economic Census for employers;   t Total does not include employer data for out-of-scope industries;   r revised subsequent to initial publication

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Source: 1997 Economic Census:   Nonemployer Statistics and Geographic Area Series (for employers)

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