The Addiction Web Site of Terence T. Gorski

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Special Focus:  Mental Health, Substance Abuse, & Terrorism

Addiction Is Not A Crime,
It's A Treatable Illness.

Addicted People Are Not Criminals 
Who Need To Be Punished

They're Sick People Who Need To Get Well.  

<More Words For Reflection>

About Terry Gorski

Terence T. Gorski is an internationally recognized expert on substance abuse, mental health, violence, & crime. He is best known for his contributions to relapse prevention,    managing chemically dependent offenders, and developing community-based teams for managing the problems of alcohol, drugs, violence, and crime. He has extensive experience     working with employee assistance programs (EAP) and has special expertise in working with emergency professionals including fire, medical, and law enforcement.  He is a prolific author and has published numerous books and articles.

GORSKI-CENAPS Model Recognized by NIDA

In its publication Approaches to Drug Abuse Counseling (ADAC) The National Institute of Drug abuse (NIDA)  recognized the top three "best known and most respected treatment approaches in the United States." as the Hazelden Foundation, the Betty Ford Center,  and the GORSKI-CENAPS Model.

Read It On The NIDA Website: <ADAC Introduction>   <Chapter On  CENAPS RPT Model>

<Get The RPT Treatment Manual>

Mr. Gorski has developed three dynamic video tape series: 

  Series 1: Addiction: A Biopsychosocial Model

  Series 2: Recovery: A Developmental Model

  Series 3: Relapse

These video tape series will give you powerful tools
For teaching your staff and clients
The basic principles of the GORSKI-CENAPS Model

Mr. Gorski Is Listed By BehaveNet.Com ...

         as a notable figure who has helped
         shape the history of behavioral healthcare 
         with his pioneering work in relapse prevention.

<Click Here To Read It>

Mr. Gorski Is A Dynamic Trainer who can ...

       Improve clinical staff performance & treatment outcomes
     with effective in-service training programs

       Increase attendance at your conference with powerful 
     keynote presentations & workshops

       Establish your program as a leader in clinical excellence 
     by providing advanced clinical skills training events in your community

Mr. Gorski Is An Expert Consultant  who can show
clinical & administrative staff how to …

       Engage & retain clients in treatment while effectively managing relapse

       Manage for improved clinical outcomes while containing costs

       Work proactively to support a public health addiction policy

       Build or renew systems that support healthy agency growth

Mr. Gorski Is A Best-Selling Author.  His Books ...

       Are written in clear, simple, and easy to understand language 

       Are well organized, interesting and easy to read

       Present practical information that can be used immediately

<Visit Mr. Gorski's Publications Website>

Mr. Gorski's work has been referenced in five
Treatment Improvement Protocols (TIPS) developed by SAMHSA CSAT
<Click Here to find these publications on the CSAT Website>

        TIP 5:    Improving Treatment for Drug-Exposed Infants
        TIP 7:    Screening and Assessment for Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse
                      Among Adults
        TIP 8:    Intensive Outpatient Treatment for Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse
        TIP 22:  LAAM in the Treatment of Opiate Addiction
        TIP 33:  Treatment for Stimulant Use Disorders

        Mr. Gorski is the primary author of TAP 19
which is based extensively on his integration of
Relapse Prevention & Criminal Personality Traits
<Click Here to find this publication on the CSAT Website>

        TAP 11: Chapter 9: Treatment for Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse:
                       Opportunities for Coordination

        TAP 19: Counselor's Manual for Relapse Prevention With Chemically
                       Dependent Criminal Offenders


Addiction - A Biopsychosocial Model

Denial Management Counseling (DMC)

Relapse Prevention Counseling (RPC)

Relapse Prevention Therapy (RPT)

Addiction-Free Pain Management (APM)

Food Addiction

Meet Steve Grinstead Expert On Addiction-free Pain Management (APM)

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GORSKI-CENAPS Clinical Model --- Research-Based Best Practice Principles

Special Focus:  Mental Health, Substance Abuse, & Terrorism

Terry Gorski and Other Members of the GORSKI-CENAPS Team are Available To Train & Consult On Areas Related To Recovery, Relapse Prevention, & Relapse Early Intervention

Address: 6147 Deltona Blvd, Spring Hill, FL  34606;,,