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Jun 14, 2000 - ISC Meeting Agendum & Minutes




Meeting Summary for ISC held:

June 14, 2000

1:45 P.M.-3:40 P.M.

 Members Present:

Vickie Fisher - DCAO Mayor's Office

Clint Hubbard - CIO - DFAS

Frank Roth - City Council

Mike Gomez - SNL

Jerry Esch - SNL

Connie Beimer - ExOfficio

Review of previous Meeting Summary:


Public Comment


Review of IS Requests over $25K:

 ·        AVI - Mobile Data Workstations                                        (5-0)

·        ISD - NT and Netware Tape Backup                                 (5-0)

·        ISD - Storage Area Network(SAN)                                   (5-0)

·        ISD - Special Assessment Upgrade                                    (5-0)

·        ISD - Memory Upgrade                                                     (5-0)

·        ISD - McAfee Virus Protection                                          (5-0)


Large Project Status Report

 Y2K                                                                            Verbal by Clint Hubbard

                                                Current unencumbered balance approx. $25,000         

 New Business

 ·        Review and approval of standards on the City's website ( TRC will continue to recommend standards to ISC for approval.  All IT standards will be published on the City's website. Motion was approved (5-0).

 ·        BCDC Novell Server - BCDC would like for ISD to keep the Novell Server and the old Offender Management System going until the server dies or until BCDC goes under control of the County.  Motion was approved (5-0).

 ·        Palm Pilots - Palm Pilots are ungoverned by any standard and many are being purchased using SPO.  ISD is devoting one FTE to supporting Palm Pilots.  ISC would like some standards and guidelines for the control of this technology.   TRC tasked with developing the recommended standards. 

 ·        Xerox Purchasing - Looking at City-wide procurement procedure for copiers.  City Council also looking at the copier issue.  DFAS Purchasing has a copier task force and their recommendation is that copier procurements go through TRC.  ISC action deferred until Anna Lamberson, DFAS Director, can discuss the issue with ISC.


Action Items


·        TRC continue to develop and recommend IT standards for the City

·        TRC tasked with developing the Palm Pilot standards. 

  Audience for June 14, 2000

Information Services Committee Meeting

 Name                                                                          Representing

Bob Kochmit                                                               ISD

Dan Jones                                                                    ISD

Bill Zeigler                                                                    ISD

Jim Parker                                                                    ISD

Bob Kochmit                                                                ISD

Dane VanPelt                                                               ISD

Dan Sparacino                                                              ISD

Kirby Nelson                                                                ISD

Mike Sisneros                                                              BCDC

Chuck McCoy                                                             PUR

Phil Nelson                                                                  AVI

Richard Sertich                                                            PLA



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