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Public Health
Seattle & King County
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Seattle, WA 98104

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Basic information about HIV and AIDS

Frequently Asked Questions about HIV and AIDS
What is the difference between HIV and AIDS? How can I get HIV? How can I stay safer if I have sex? How do I use a condom? These and more questions are answered on this page.

Where to get tested for HIV in King County
Public Health and community health (HealthPoint) clinics nearest you.

Testing and counseling
Public Health - Seattle & King County offers HIV antibody testing and counseling to all people at risk for infection. All test results are confidential; anonymous testing is also available.

How is HIV transmitted?
HIV is transmitted when infected blood, semen, vaginal fluids, or breast milk enter another person's body. This most often occurs during unprotected sex or during injection drug use (when needles are shared).

Safer sex and condoms
Safer sex means always assuming that your partner could be HIV-infected, and never allowing his or her risky body fluids (blood, semen, vaginal fluids, and breast milk) to enter your body. Touching, dry kissing, body rubbing, and mutual masturbation are the safest sexual activities. Safer penetrative sex means always using a latex barrier for anal, vaginal, and oral intercourse. This includes using a condom on a man or barrier protection such as plastic wrap, a dental dam, or cut condom for oral sex on a woman and for oral-anal contact.