U.S. Census Bureau
1997 Economic Census

News Conference to Release First Data on the Modern Economy

Who:   Commerce Under Secretary for Economic Affairs Robert J. Shapiro,
Census Bureau Director Kenneth Prewitt,
Bureau of Economic Analysis Director Steven Landefeld and
Census Bureau Associate Director for Economic Programs Frederick T. Knickerbocker

When:   1 p.m., Tuesday, March 16, 1999

Where:   J.W. Marriott Hotel,  Capitol Ballroom, Salon G
1331 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C.
Phone:  202-393-2000

View Live News Conference

News Release

Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Public Information Office
(301) 763-3030

Last Revised: May 29, 2001 at 10:28:45 AM

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