U.S. Census Bureau

U.S. Department of Commerce News
     EMBARGOED UNTIL:  12:01 A.M. EDT, AUGUST 5, 1999 (THURSDAY)             

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Jack Drago/Shawna Orzechowski

       Census Bureau Releases First in a Series of State Reports 
           on Waste Management and Related Industries

  The Commerce Department's Census Bureau today released the first in a
series of state reports, covering industries such as temporary help
services, collection agencies, credit bureaus, travel agencies, security
guards, pest control services and solid waste collection.

  The report, 1997 Economic Census, Geographic Area Series, 
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services:
Wyoming, presents data for the state, its metropolitan areas, counties
and places.

  The Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation
Services sector is new under the North American Industry Classification
System (NAICS).

  Among the report's findings:

  -  Wyoming's 30 temporary help-services establishments generated
     receipts of $21.3 million and employed 1,413 people, accounting for
     nearly one-third of the 4,520 workers in the Administrative and
     Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services sector of the
     state's economy.

  -  The business-support services industry operated out of 94 locations
     statewide one-sixth of the sector's total of 599 locations. They
     employed 688 people and generated receipts of $27.1 million.

  -  Business-support services industry receipts included collection 
     agencies ($6.7 million) and private mail centers ($3.5 million).

  -  Janitorial-services establishments in the Casper and Cheyenne 
     metropolitan areas accounted for 40 percent of statewide receipts for
     this industry.

  -  The state's travel agencies reported receipts of $9.8 million and 
     employed 255 people at 51 locations.

  -  Overall, the state's Administrative and Support and Waste Management
     and Remediation Services firms reported $141.7 million in receipts.

  Reports providing similar information for the remaining states will be
issued through the rest of this year.

  The 1997 Economic Census marks the premiere of NAICS, a new business
classification system. It replaces the SIC system begun 60 years ago.

  "The United States developed the system jointly with Canada and Mexico,
making it much easier to compare data with our North American Free Trade
Agreement partners," said Frederick Knickerbocker, the Census Bureau's
associate director for economic programs. "It is also much easier to
update, so that economic data can keep pace with the nation's changing

  Data compiled for the Administrative and Support and Waste Management
and Remediation Services sector are subject to nonsampling errors.
Nonsampling errors can be attributed to many sources: inability to
identify all cases in the universe; definition and classification
difficulties; differences in the interpretation of questions; errors in
recording or coding the data obtained;  and other errors of collection,
response, coverage, processing and estimation for missing or misreported
