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Financing for Environmental Compliance
Air Publications

EPA has published multiple resources to assist municipal officials as they develop a financing plan to remain in or return to compliance. Below are selected links to EPA water publications.

Office of Air and Radiation Main Publications Web Page
Provides annual reports, documents containing basic facts including risk factors, “what you can do” information, and pollutant-specific information, technical information and links to the regulations.

Idling Reduction: State and Local Laws (PDF) (102 pp, 506K, About PDF)
Approximately 15 states and dozens of local counties have promulgated laws that restrict the amount of time that a vehicle can idle its main engine. In April 2006, EPA compiled a list of state and local anti-idling laws.

Model State Idling Law (PDF) (15 pp, 1MB, About PDF)
EPA is not promulgating any regulation regarding vehicle idling, however EPA has drafted a model for a state idling law. This model law does not represent the views of EPA or any other Federal department or agency concerning whether any state should, or should not, adopt the model law.

Funding Opportunities: A Directory of Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, and Environmental Protection Programs (59 pp, 1MB, About PDF)
Provides information on financial and technical assistance opportunities available from EPA, other federal agencies, state governments, and private foundations for grant programs and projects that reduce energy costs, improve air quality and public health, and enhance economic development opportunities for businesses and consumers.

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